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DrJoe's Radio Show.

Port-A-John Enthusiest

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Ive been seeing this chiropractor for awhile now because of many different medical issues that i suffer from. First i have Celiac's Disease, which basically means that i can't eat wheat or products that contain addatives or preservatives. These things cause my small intenstine to swell up and attack the foriegn microbes. Anyways, this in return pushes my stomach into my diaphram which makes me seriously ill.


So youre probably wondering why im telling you all of this, well im bringing all this up because i have hopelessly suffered from this condition for the entirety of my life, i have been to countless doctors and practices in hopes to find relief from this. All i have ever gotten from the doctors were drugs, and then more drugs to compinsate for the reaction to the drug before it. Until i was at the LifeGrocery when i saw DrJoe talking and decided to go and have a visit with him and make an appointment. DrJoe does one thing different than all the other doctors, rather than looking at a single organ and trying to figure out why that organ is upset. DrJoe looks at the whole body to see why that organ is upset. He found that often times nerves are being pinched in the spine causing the signals not being to be sent and recieved appropriately from the organs.


So im bringing this up because i wanted to say if youre sick, or if you just dont feel good and you dont know why. Listen to DrJoe's Radio Show. Alot of our problems are due to the food we're eating and things that we make a habit of that make us ill, i dunno what else to say off the top of my head. This guy is really smart, and he brings alot to the table through common sense. So check this show out guys and i think you'll like it.


Monday-Friday 8.30pm

Saterday 9.30am



^^Thats the link to the player that will pop up and play the show. Note that his air time is with some Christian radio station in the local area so if you click the link outside those times that i posted above thats what you'll be listening to is Christian views on things. I just listen for DrJoe. His show is only a half hour long, but check it out guys. Let me know what you think. Pm with some questions on other airtimes and things if youre intrested.


BTW: my grammar is terrible.

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Dr. Joe sounds like a winner.


but if you didnt know that what you do in life has a direct effect on your health, you fail at life.


eating drugs, drinking booze, and nom nom'ing fast food - all from the comfort of your lazy boy - IS NOT HEALTHY.


you don't like me anyways, so in one ear out the other. good luck though. maybe go cut down a tree in that lumberjack costume you wear. i heard that burns calories.

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Good to hear he's helped you but personally I wouldn't trust a doctor who goes by his first name...






















































































































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