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name my baby.

armand hammer

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so i got some email from the delivery agency to confirm their delivery anyway the site for them looked mad sketchy and the person sending it to me was meant to be based in scotland yet my money would have been transfered to somewhere in cameroon in africa.


so yeah im pretty fucking in pissed off now. fucking nigger cunts trying to steal my cash.


just bumping this..no point naming them they dont exist it was all a scam and i nearly lost alot of money...but my heart remains in pieces:(

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im not getting them. stop with the names srsly lol it was some nigerians,cameroonians whatever you wanna call em but yeah they were trying to make me pay for some pups that DO NOT EXIST.


so yeah end thread close pugs were someone elses most probably.not going to be mine.nigerians sent fake pics.tried to scam me.im sad now.

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at first 250 for both then i said i only have 100 right now and will contact them when i have the full price..so i get this email saying its fine both for a hundred so im already very suspicious.. so i get an email from some suposed pet transport agency saying i need to wire them the money to recieve the dogs...but the account holders name is something like njar (insert african last name)

and they live in Cameroon so i checked out the address i was given shit doesn't exist. and neither did the animal agency..


fuck them

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