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Medvedev calls for world currency at G-8

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my main point is, that the USD is doomed. Why do see these different countries criticizing the dollar on the frequent as of late? Because they're seriously questioning the legitimacy of our currency. They've seen how the fed magically printed the US money supply times TWO in the past nine months! Which means what? A ultra devalued dollar inevitably, or hyper inflation. How is that strength? Since the Fed's inception in 1913, the dollar today is worth 4 cents of what is was at that time! SO AT THE RATE THE DOLLARS BEEN AT FOR THE PAST HUNDRED YEARS, do you have any little bit of a hint at where its going? ...whats the end result?

green shoots in the economy? light at the end of the tunnel??



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The Fed does play it pretty fast and loose when it comes to the truth. Then again, if they DID make the truth well-known (that the value of a dollar is only a fraction of what it should be worth) then there's no telling what people would do.


Remember what Big Worm said in "Friday"- "Smokey, when you fuckin' with my money you fuckin' with my emotions." Thanks to capitalism, we're pretty much stuck with the system that we have since modern society is not cut out for a barter system...then when you factor in the vast multitudes of people that are used to cushy middle management "jobs" and who have never really worked a day in their lives, it gets even more scary. If your average marketing analyst had to actually WORK to survive, what kind of odds would you give them?


I just have to laugh at the whole screwed up system. It takes fantastic amounts of effort to keep all the plates spinning, and every now and then a few (or a lot) of the plates come crashing down and it's called a "market correction" people in the US seem to shrug it off and say "Well, that's the way it goes." I attribute this to the artificially high standard of living most Americans take for granted...to me, it seems like your average American is 100% okay with assuming as much debt as they can accumulate as long as they can maintain the level of comfort they're accustomed to. Thanks to credit, they'll never have to worry about living a third world lifestyle.


Therefore, it makes sense (to me anyway) when other countries say "Wait a second, the US economy has been fucked for a while now and isn't getting any better...why exactly is the American dollar still a default international currency?"


I'm not an economist, I'm sure there's a lot of things I'm leaving out of this like purchasing power, consumer confidence, interest rate, arbitrage, and so on...but from where I'm siting (no money, no job and so far no success getting legit employment of any kind) it all seems like bullshit to me.

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The Fed does play it pretty fast and loose when it comes to the truth. Then again, if they DID make the truth well-known (that the value of a dollar is only a fraction of what it should be worth) then there's no telling what people would do.


If there was transparency and it was a honest establishment, they wouldn't have to be fraudulent, they wouldn't have to lie, they wouldn't have to be completely secret. BUT SINCE THEY ARE, that's why the trillions are missing, that's why people are getting mad, and that's why intelligent people know the whole thing is a sham!


NOTHING IS ABOVE THE LAW, but the fed thinks they are outside of law, outside of the constitution, no oversight let alone law abidance...


here they are saying it publicly ''we're above the law, no one in government can tell us what to do''..........



how isnt that criminal christo?

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If there was transparency and it was a honest establishment, they wouldn't have to be fraudulent, they wouldn't have to lie, they wouldn't have to be completely secret. BUT SINCE THEY ARE, that's why the trillions are missing, that's why people are getting mad, and that's why intelligent people know the whole thing is a sham!


NOTHING IS ABOVE THE LAW, but the fed thinks they are outside of law, outside of the constitution, no oversight let alone law abidance...


here they are saying it publicly ''we're above the law, no one in government can tell us what to do''..........



how isnt that criminal christo?


It's simple. People value security, and the Fed has been represented as a bastion of security for so long that no one questioned the legality or morality of their actions for a long, long time.


But most people couldn't even tell you what exactly the Fed DOES, much less who's in charge of it (hint- it's not the government) or why they do what they do. All they know is that they have plastic in their pocket that can buy whatever they want...the transition to credit was probably the best thing that could have happened to the Fed. It literally gave them a license to print money which in turn stoked consumer confidence to al time highs...and when the bill came due on all the risky investments and lavish lifestyles everyone played dumb, most of all the architects who said "this CAN'T fail" when they knew damn well it couldn't last.


What's even sadder is that while the rest of the world sat up and took notice of our mistakes and are dealing with the fallout, the US appears to be spinning its wheels and waiting for a miracle.

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What's even sadder is that while the rest of the world sat up and took notice of our mistakes and are dealing with the fallout, the US appears to be spinning its wheels and waiting for a miracle.


i thought the miracle already came... isnt his name, barack obama?

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I suppose some people might have seen it that way, but...at this point he's more or less stuck having to implement plans (for better or for worse) that were set in motion well before he ever took office. Besides, there's not very much overlap between the US presidency and the economy. Or at least there shouldn't be...I suppose it could be argued that the jam we're in can be attributed to that, but it's hard to say.


The miracle that people claimed Obama had to offer was one of unity, and I have yet to see much of that. As a nation, I think we're still a little too greedy and selfish to work together at this point.

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how isnt that criminal christo?


Dude, are you fucking blind?!


Show me where I have said it isn't criminal.



And you bleat on with all this bullshit about how America is doomed and the economy is fucked and all this shit dribble. But you have no idea, whatsoever about where the US is placed in the world. The next two economies after the US are so fucking far behind AND they are even more fucked than the US!!


The US could have a coronary, ebola virus AND swine flu and it would STILL be stronger than everything else!


How the fuck can't you understand that??!


Let me put it simply for you..., again.



Whether the US economy is legal or not DOESN"T MEAN SHIT.


The US economy is so far ahead of everyone else and has so much strategic depth that it could stop dead for a year and still be stronger than the next 3 put together.




Strength is comparative and economies are amoral, if you can't understand that then there is little point in discussing this matter with you.

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the day they try to in-act this shit, and try and put RFID chips in people is the day i steal my neighbours ak 47 and start killin mother fuckers.


viva la resistance !!



anyone else agree that a socialist revolution would be a good idea about now? i'm sure south america would join in and worst come to worst we could run away to cuba, it worked for the FLQ...

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Dude, could you fuck off out of here and leave this thread to people who are discussing the US economy and the global standard currency, please? There are enough threads with stupid conspiracy and revolution bullshit in here without this one turning in to the same thing.

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Dude, are you fucking blind?!


Show me where I have said it isn't criminal.



And you bleat on with all this bullshit about how America is doomed and the economy is fucked and all this shit dribble. But you have no idea, whatsoever about where the US is placed in the world. The next two economies after the US are so fucking far behind AND they are even more fucked than the US!!


The US could have a coronary, ebola virus AND swine flu and it would STILL be stronger than everything else!


How the fuck can't you understand that??!


Let me put it simply for you..., again.



Whether the US economy is legal or not DOESN"T MEAN SHIT.


The US economy is so far ahead of everyone else and has so much strategic depth that it could stop dead for a year and still be stronger than the next 3 put together.




Strength is comparative and economies are amoral, if you can't understand that then there is little point in discussing this matter with you.


And this is exactly what everyone is missing, economies are comparative and he who has the most chips wins. Does it really matter that the value of a 2009 dollar is a 100th what it was in 1913 if your average standard of living has increased 20 fold? I think some of you secretly fantasize about living a lifestyle of subsistence agriculture, soul crushing factory work and brutal warfare. Viva la resitance!!

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And this is exactly what everyone is missing, economies are comparative and he who has the most chips wins. Does it really matter that the value of a 2009 dollar is a 100th what it was in 1913 if your average standard of living has increased 20 fold? I think some of you secretly fantasize about living a lifestyle of subsistence agriculture, soul crushing factory work and brutal warfare. Viva la resitance!!


That's not it at all. What I'm interested in is the popular perception that the Fed is an infallible agency of the US government (when technically it's not), and the almost total lack of oversight into its intentions and actions.


When people like me, casek, and ILMB look at the evidence and draw our own conclusions from what we see, we're written off as naysayers and tinfoil hat wearers. But the bottom line is that BUSINESS IS BUSINESS, and the actions of the Fed don't seem to be in any way geared toward the greater good...they seem to be geared towards artificially manipulating prices and currency values to the disadvantage to the general populace who have to deal with the direct effects of inflation on real market prices. When you're talking about high finance and arbitrage, sure, it's all math and eventually the market will correct itself...but to date the aggregate result is that the US has been locked into an inflationary cycle since 1913 which has slowly diminished the buying power of the US dollar.


To me, what other countries want to know is pretty simple- why does a private entity (the Fed) have so much sway over the world's economy and what are the alternatives?


It's a question that has been looming for a very long time, and now that it's finally been brought to the table the US seems to be left wanting for an answer.

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No, that's wrong. The other countries want more regulation of financial institutions, lending practices and risk taking. It's not the Fed and the problems yo see with it that the world is concerned with.


There is diversification slowly emerging in currency reserves because people think that the way the US economy is managed is a little irresponsible and that comes back to legislation over lending practices and financial responsibility of private financial institutions. The Fed is largely irrelevant in this issue.


Hence, why Russia, China, et al never once mention the Fed.

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Wait, that seems contradictory.


There is diversification slowly emerging in currency reserves because people think that the way the US economy is managed is a little irresponsible and that comes back to legislation over lending practices and financial responsibility of private financial institutions.


This I entirely agree with. They should be concerned. But then you say...


The Fed is largely irrelevant in this issue.


How so? I realize how much debt China has bought but don't they have a vested interest in how the US maintains its monetary stock? Trust that I don't like it but that's how it is.


And I DO agree, there should be HEAPS more oversight over financial institutions, lending practices and risk assessment. Especially if other countries are indirectly funding us by speculating against our debt.


I think we agree more than either of us realize, christo-f.

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Yeah, I know, I'm just trying to point out that it is not the Fed's responsibility to create and enact the legislation that the other nations are looking for in the US.


They want stronger regulation on private financial institution and lending practices. This has nothing to do with the Fed's role in the economy. PEople just don't want to have a re-occurrence of the sub-prime issue that led to the current financial crisis (which is slowly working itself out).


Personally, I don't care if there is oversight or not, I'm not arguing that point either way. I'm just trying to make a few points, which I will list below:





1. China and Russia are calling for a new global standard currency for political reasons. They are using the recent issues with the US money markets (sub-prime lending that caused a global melt down) and the subsequent volatility in the dollar as their reasoning.


2. Nobody gives a shit what Russia or China thinks as their economies are totally fucked.


3. The US, UK, EU are NOT calling for a new global standard currency and no evidence has been shown to the contrary. France, I'll have to hold out on that one either way as I have not seen the full context of Sarkozy's remarks from last Thursday.


4. Other states are looking to diversify their currency reserves as they realise that just banking in the US gives no diversification, which any idiot investor can tell you is bad practice. This does NOT equate for wanting a new standard however it may, over DECADES drift the world to using more than one standard or going with WB SDR's and so on.


5. The US Fed and inflation does not play a part in this (see point 6 for further clarification) it is an issue of legislation which comes from the government and concerns regulating the behaviour of private financial institutions on lending behaviour and risk assessment.


6. THE US ECONOMY IS NOT FUCKED AND YOUR COUNTRY IS NOT DOOMED..., FFS!! IT doesn't matter whether the Fed is an illegal institution of fire spitting devils, your inflation or how much your dollar can buy doesn't matter. What matters is how strong the US economy is to the rest of the world. What matters is how much strategic depth and industrial output the US has and how willing other nations are to invest in your economy which is not only buying your debt but also how much foreign direct and indirect investment flows in to your country and businesses.







Now, a few facts about the US economy and strategic advantage:


The US economy is at 14 trillion, the next closets one is about 7 trillion and that economy is absolutely fucked and has been teetering on the brink of disaster since world war fucking 2.


The US is the number one destination for both foreign direct and foreign indirect investment.


The US is still BY A MASSIVE FUCKING GINORMOUS margin the number one destination for investment in national debt.


The US is still the deepest, strongest and largest industrial base IN THE WORLD.


The US has one of the best square mile of arable land per capita in the developed world (might be best ratio, not sure).


The US is one of the world's largest oil and gas producing nations.


The US is a net food exporter.


The US controls the world's oceans AND THAT MEANS THE US CONTROLS WORLD TRADE!!


The US controls space and is so far ahead of space tech/exploration that it is unlikely anyone will catch up for 100 years+++


The US has the most dominant army ever seen and it is unlikely that they would lose a war even if Russia, China, India, the UK, France, Germany, Australia, Canada and Iran joined forces to fight against you.






WHAT.THE.FUCK have you cry babies got to worry about?


You are so far ahead in every way that you are unbeatable for 100+ years yet all you want to do is cry doom and fucking gloom. Fair dinkum, you guys are the biggest fucking whingers I've come across (except for Shai, he's cool. So's Casek, but he's prone to silly assumptions). Every acorn that bumps you on the head is equal to the sky falling.


Truly phenomenal how little you people know about yourselves.


I think I'm done here..., unless Casek wants to post some more articles I can pick apart :p

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I mean, I have nada. A laptop, a duffel bag full of clothes, and a couple of deferred dreams that I wish I could at least hope to see somewhat come to fruition...when things were good here (1998-2005) I had a shot at the brass ring but as time has gone on it's become apparent that I'm nowhere near security, never mind success.


But that's all right. It's not necessarily a question of who's to blame, I just like to ask questions and wonder why it always has to come down to the haves and the have nots.


The funny thing is that I can deal with having nothing better than the average American. What I worry about is when the other 99.99% is going to do if the shit really hits the fan...and christo-f, in spite of your optimism, it's not as cut and dried as you would like it to be.

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I can only give the suggestion of that being the nature of the world, my friend. Doesn't matter if you're a man, monkey, lion, bird or beetle. There are the haves and have nots in everything. Just like there will always be competition and war to make that the reality.

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But you're talking about a country that was basically founded on the concept of manifest destiny and plenitude. Now that the population of the world has metastasized to a degree where the only option is to share, you're up against some very ingrained beliefs and tendencies.


I have spent a LOT of my time lately trying to give back to the community in whatever way I can, but I gotta tell you...there's a whole new group of people coming out of the woodwork in the US that aren't equipped physically, mentally, or spiritually to do without, and that scares the hell out of me. This isn't a third world country going through the same old same old, it's people who were part of the first world who got left behind when the shit hit the fan.


As I said, I can adapt. What about everyone else? How do they fit into the picture?

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The manifest destiny bit only fits with US leadership and democracy (originally from east to west coast but some like to make it a world view now..., looking at you GWB ). I wouldn't agree that the only option is to share, the global population is slowing in growth and by this time in the next 50-100 years will be shrinking to the point that we will have to adapt to smaller populations, not larger as everyone seems to think. It's going to be an issue of sharing the workload rather than sharing resources!


What are they going to do? More than likely adapt or die..., or they could eat you if you're not careful!

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the day they try to in-act this shit, and try and put RFID chips in people is the day i steal my neighbours ak 47 and start killin mother fuckers.


viva la resistance !!



anyone else agree that a socialist revolution would be a good idea about now? i'm sure south america would join in and worst come to worst we could run away to cuba, it worked for the FLQ...


Ok, this is fucked up. Why are you using hush.com as an email provider?


No, we don't want a bloody revolution. That is the worst thing possible. Killing

people isn't a fucking game. When you kill you are taking away someones son, brother, father, etc.


Revolution may be unavoidable, but it is not an objective.


Socialist revolution? Are you a provocateur?



I am watching you.

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No, that's wrong. The other countries want more regulation of financial institutions, lending practices and risk taking. It's not the Fed and the problems yo see with it that the world is concerned with.


There is diversification slowly emerging in currency reserves because people think that the way the US economy is managed is a little irresponsible and that comes back to legislation over lending practices and financial responsibility of private financial institutions. The Fed is largely irrelevant in this issue.


Hence, why Russia, China, et al never once mention the Fed.


Christo, are you aware that Timothy Geithner, Obama's appointment to the US Secretary of Treasury, was head of the New York Federal Reserve for 6 years prior? That being said, the oversight and new regulations the rest of the world is demanding that the US puts in place, this new legislation was written and undermined by Timothy Geithner! Ex-Head of the FED! So who's orders is Geithner really following?.......The people who made it possible for all the 'greedy risk taking' and 'risky lending practices' are the same people who wrote the new legislation to 'FIX THE PROBLEM!!

obama and giethner both say we need to give the fed more power so this does not happen again... they want to give the fed the same regulation powers your referring to up there^ that all these other nations are demanding..........and the fed is irrelevant?



i agree china and russia are politically motivated in everything they say/do.

the US is super influential to everything on the planet, i get that.


the only point im stressin, is that at the center of anything regarding economics and fiances in the US, is the federal reserve.

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Ok, this is fucked up. Why are you using hush.com as an email provider?


No, we don't want a bloody revolution. That is the worst thing possible. Killing

people isn't a fucking game. When you kill you are taking away someones son, brother, father, etc.


Revolution may be unavoidable, but it is not an objective.


Socialist revolution? Are you a provocateur?



I am watching you.



Hush.com is the best, its PGP encryption, i value my privacy, if you ask me people are insane not to use it, its like a tinfoil hat for your computer hahaha. I just don't like the idea that the RCMP, CSIS, CIA or the FBI could look through my emails, not that I'm a terrorist or some shit, I just value my rights. With hush i know that those fuck's would have to come in my house, install a key logger, and then come back later and get the info off it to read my emails, which isn't going to happen.


Yes, I guess you could say that it is in me to incite such a thing. I'm a social libertarian, I have thought this way for as long as i knew about politics, and only found out later that my ideals were on the fringe. I realize my dreams are far to radical to be practical. However i look to group's like Sinn Féin and see hope that a social revolution is possible and maybe one day in the future humanity can look back and laugh about a day when total equality and free access to the means of production was just a dream.


Now to how this relates to a world currency.

I value sovereignty and liberty above all.

A world currency, free trade, and all that shit only helps the wealthy, and takes away from a nations sovereignty, thus taking away from the rights of the citizens of that nation. If those corporations were equally owned by the workers then I probably wouldn't have a problem with it. But since it cannot directly benefit the collective population, i say fuck'em. Its like the issue of natural resources, they should be equally owned by the citizens of the country the resources are from, but instead the government is only too happy to pawn them off to their cronies and get some under the table cash for it, while the rest of us are left out in the cold.


Either way, I have the ability to live off the radar. I'm in dept to no one, and never will be. Not that I have wealth, but I still live in a real community, were people help each other, no one goes without, even if it means you have less. I was brought up this way, and I will live this way. I work hard, not for myself but for those around me, like wise they do the same. If your wondering, yes I'm from an isolated area where living off the land and sea is still a reality.


You people can talk all the shit you want, and live how you want. But the day "your" ill choices affect how I have to live my life is the day shit hits the god damn fan, and that's just how it is.

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Hush.com is the best, its PGP encryption, i value my privacy, if you ask me people are insane not to use it, its like a tinfoil hat for your computer hahaha. I just don't like the idea that the RCMP, CSIS, CIA or the FBI could look through my emails, not that I'm a terrorist or some shit, I just value my rights. With hush i know that those fuck's would have to come in my house, install a key logger, and then come back later and get the info off it to read my emails, which isn't going to happen.


Yes, I guess you could say that it is in me to incite such a thing. I'm a social libertarian, I have thought this way for as long as i knew about politics, and only found out later that my ideals were on the fringe. I realize my dreams are far to radical to be practical. However i look to group's like Sinn Féin and see hope that a social revolution is possible and maybe one day in the future humanity can look back and laugh about a day when total equality and free access to the means of production was just a dream.


Now to how this relates to a world currency.

I value sovereignty and liberty above all.

A world currency, free trade, and all that shit only helps the wealthy, and takes away from a nations sovereignty, thus taking away from the rights of the citizens of that nation. If those corporations were equally owned by the workers then I probably wouldn't have a problem with it. But since it cannot directly benefit the collective population, i say fuck'em. Its like the issue of natural resources, they should be equally owned by the citizens of the country the resources are from, but instead the government is only too happy to pawn them off to their cronies and get some under the table cash for it, while the rest of us are left out in the cold.


Either way, I have the ability to live off the radar. I'm in dept to no one, and never will be. Not that I have wealth, but I still live in a real community, were people help each other, no one goes without, even if it means you have less. I was brought up this way, and I will live this way. I work hard, not for myself but for those around me, like wise they do the same. If your wondering, yes I'm from an isolated area where living off the land and sea is still a reality.


You people can talk all the shit you want, and live how you want. But the day "your" ill choices affect how I have to live my life is the day shit hits the god damn fan, and that's just how it is.



That's all good and fine, but you know that you target yourself when you use such things.

I remember using hushmail back in the day, then I got this letter right after the 9/11 attacks saying that the govt was forcing hushmail to do some things that they didn't agree with. Stopped using it after that.


PGP is also available for gmail. As I said, when you do such things, you target yourself (and hopefully waste their time).


Also, you don't just walk around talking about violent revolution. What will be will be.

Leave it at that.



Good for you living in a place where you can sustain your life and those you care about. I'm in a similar situation. Thank god for the country.

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Christo, are you aware that Timothy Geithner, Obama's appointment to the US Secretary of Treasury, was head of the New York Federal Reserve for 6 years prior? That being said, the oversight and new regulations the rest of the world is demanding that the US puts in place, this new legislation was written and undermined by Timothy Geithner! Ex-Head of the FED! So who's orders is Geithner really following?.......The people who made it possible for all the 'greedy risk taking' and 'risky lending practices' are the same people who wrote the new legislation to 'FIX THE PROBLEM!!

obama and giethner both say we need to give the fed more power so this does not happen again... they want to give the fed the same regulation powers your referring to up there^ that all these other nations are demanding..........and the fed is irrelevant?



i agree china and russia are politically motivated in everything they say/do.

the US is super influential to everything on the planet, i get that.


the only point im stressin, is that at the center of anything regarding economics and fiances in the US, is the federal reserve.


Don't forget about the Goldman-Sachs connections...

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I disagree so strongly with the fundamentals of your argument Y@d@d@ that I'd rather not follow it any further. I'm not saying that you're a bad bloke or that I won't chat with you about other things but I just feel that we view this issue on such different levels to each other that it would be wasting both our time to continue any further. I do, however respect that you pay attention to the world around you and that you choose not to be a mindless consumer of all that is fed to us.


thehaze, you might be a nice guy but you have pretty much zero idea of anything that you discuss.



Shai, always up for a chat, mate.



Casek, mate, pretty sure I took you down on this one, just the same as I took you down on the claim that all major cities in the US have predators and aerostats over them. YOu make the claims, I shoot them down!! [insert cheeky smile]. But don't worry, I too will put myself out there for you to pounce upon (in a totally heterosexual and academic way), just waiting for teh right issue to come along.

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Casek, mate, pretty sure I took you down on this one, just the same as I took you down on the claim that all major cities in the US have predators and aerostats over them. YOu make the claims, I shoot them down!! [insert cheeky smile]. But don't worry, I too will put myself out there for you to pounce upon (in a totally heterosexual and academic way), just waiting for teh right issue to come along.



No, you didn't take me down on the either. We share different beliefs on this one, you'll just have to wait and see about the spy in the sky....


Secret special hint: People mistake them for alien craft....a lot.

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No, you didn't take me down on the either. We share different beliefs on this one, .


Oh dude, you made claims that had no substance and you could provide nothing to support your claims.


I also spend a lot of my professional time paying close attention to this issue in fairly intricate detail, I'm 100% confident in what I say.

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