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it sucks, i know, im not mad tho, that shit was really hard to see and i mean, clearly the kid is young wildin out doin fillins everywhere...which is pretty much what pittsburgh lacks and needs... in most cities as large as pittsburgh that piece wouldnt have lasted 10 years before some young buck did a fillin over it, city got to it, drunk mexican la raza'd it, stupid hipster put a stencil of a wheelchair over it, etc. i think it had a good run


if that piece was a human being it made it to like 120-130 years old, all things die, and the decaying corpses fertilize whatever is going to grow in that spot.


life, and graffiti is sad.


at least it doesnt have a number squad tag or an obey poster over it.


sayin tho

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it sucks, i know, im not mad tho, that shit was really hard to see and i mean, clearly the kid is young wildin out doin fillins everywhere...which is pretty much what pittsburgh lacks and needs... in most cities as large as pittsburgh that piece wouldnt have lasted 10 years before some young buck did a fillin over it, city got to it, drunk mexican la raza'd it, stupid hipster put a stencil of a wheelchair over it, etc. i think it had a good run


if that piece was a human being it made it to like 120-130 years old, all things die, and the decaying corpses fertilize whatever is going to grow in that spot.


life, and graffiti is sad.


at least it doesnt have a number squad tag or an obey poster over it.


sayin tho


Yeah, but this isn't some other city, those pieces have been running for 20+ years, untouched. Its just a matter of respect. Aint no one hate dude, but he loses some respect points for painting on a wall that just shouldn't be painted on. He prolly didn't know, so let him know. Bump that 90s shit & the few kids out there for actually doing a little bombing lately!

And those were PIECES on that wall down there, not b&w toss-ups. Full color peices. Come correct.

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i'm not saying what the kid did is right, but anyone that has painted down there knows that the most faded piece, to the point where its almost illegible. You almost can't see it in the daylight, and you cant at night. I give that kid points because him and astro some of the only kids just doing street shit in pittsburgh.

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That stue whole car is fresh!


Respect to all pgh crews. Beef or no beef.

Sometimes you gotta learn respect the hard way, comin up backin up a crew you think is the shit and thinkin you can go over anyone, just doesn't work. Its better to just go out there and go crewless. Trust me, take note all newcomers. Respect the elders for real or you'll hafta learn the hardway like myself.

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