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swordfish meatloaf

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Bill's Reocrds & Tapes in Dallas, TX is AMAZING. i had a blast for 3 hours. However, nothing in the store is officially priced. You take your stack to the register and he gives you a 'lot' price. I'm all for supporting independent record stores, and even padded my stack to just buy MORE to help out... HOWEVER, the prices he attempted to get me to pay were LUDICROUS. Im not a mark. I know whats fair and even what's 'pricey but fair'. But I left there feeling FULLY taken advantage of and insulted. and very disappointed. This is not a record store, its a giant overpriced yardsale ran by a shark. I cannot stress AVOIDING this store enough. i basically paid $12 a USED cd. so sad, cause the place is like a museum.

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