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To all the pill-heads


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I know some of yall on here take pills.


Whether they are vics, xanax, or whatever.


Found out yesturday that one of my homies that I havn't seen in about 2 years because hes been locked up, is now in a coma due to liver failure.


Hes been taking vicadins as if they were candy everyday since we were in high school. His family tried to get him to through rehab but I guess he wasn't strong enough to complete it. So they took the easy way out and got him on methadone. Apparently, even when he was in prison, he was eating a shitload of pills.


Well, now hes paying for his stupidity.


I kind of hope he comes out of it because he is still a friend, but I really have no sympathy for people who abuse pills.


I'm not here to preach to anyone, but let this be food for thought. I know people say that they can do drugs and still handle their shit, but when it becomes a problem..or when it becomes your life, then you know that you're dying a slow death.

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Liver failure, car accident, overdose, whatever. Its inevitable.

exactly. my aforementioned homie tried driving from florida to oregon, only stopping to shit, piss or get more gas. he ended up passing out and driving of a cliff. if you saw the pics of the accident, youd think dude was killed 5 times. he somehow managed to escape with only a few bruises. miracle type shit. it inspired him to kick the pills.

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You see Peyote...I've been abusing drugs since I was a kid and I've done way more than anyone person should do, including pills... I'll be 31 this year and I'm not bragging about that, just stating fact.


I'm clean now, and know that I'm quite LUCKY to be here...You see last year I took 5 OC 20's in about 6 hours went to sleep and stopped breathing....I sat straight up in the bed sweating scared as fuck..Cause I know in my mind that I almost died just then.


That's why I know I'm lucky....Cause I've watched friends overdose on heroin and coke, lost friends to all types of addiction.... I've seen a lot of people go through some tough times that I wasn't able to help them with cause I was going through the same shit they were.


Like I said before some of us are luckier than others....posting about it here telling people what they should and shouldn't do is kinda lame in my opinion.

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I've always denied the fact that I was an alcoholic because I didn't drink everyday...I'm more of a binge drinker and once I get drunk I won't stop drinking until I completely black out and piss off everyone around me. I've had this problem for more than 15 years now. I can't just have one drink and stop, I've never been able to do that. About a month ago I went on a drinking binge that was really bad, I drove drunk, started shit with my wife to the point she almost left me and got online and talked some incredibly rude shit to someone that I've always respected. I haven't drank since that weekend and hope that I can continue not to.


I'm not one to give advice on this kind of shit because I've been an addict as long as I've been a binge drinker....Not an addict like I gotta get my fix right now, but if a drug that I like is in my possession it won't last long. I stopped breathing in my sleep last year on pain killers and it scared the shit out of me. Enough to make me want to stop fucking around with them altogether.


Like I said before it's been about a month since I drank last, my wife of 10 years told me if I drank again, that was it...And even though she's said that before and didn't follow through with it, my actions that weekend can almost guarantee that if it happens again she'll be gone. And I'm not havin' that. So I've decided not to drink out of respect for her, myself, and the people around me...and hope that I never do again.


That's how I stopped and although it's only been a month I already feel better and our relationship has gone a lot smoother. Trust me when I say... waking up in the morning without a hangover is a beautiful thing.


Good luck man if you really want to quit, you'll make it. Hopefully you won't have to go through the same shit I did to get there though.




You see Peyote...I've been abusing drugs since I was a kid and I've done way more than anyone person should do, including pills... I'll be 31 this year and I'm not bragging about that, just stating fact.


I'm clean now, and know that I'm quite LUCKY to be here...You see last year I took 5 OC 20's in about 6 hours went to sleep and stopped breathing....I sat straight up in the bed sweating scared as fuck..Cause I know in my mind that I almost died just then.


That's why I know I'm lucky....Cause I've watched friends overdose on heroin and coke, lost friends to all types of addiction.... I've seen a lot of people go through some tough times that I wasn't able to help them with cause I was going through the same shit they were.


Like I said before some of us are luckier than others....posting about it here telling people what they should and shouldn't do is kinda lame in my opinion.


Care to comment on either of these?


People come on here and talk about what's going on with their lives, and you feel like it's your God-given right to act like your shit doesn't stink. When I saw that you were trying to get straight, I was like..."OHHHHHHHH...no, better not. I did tell him he needed to think about this shit."


That's what peyote is doing, and you want to air him out. All right. Those are your words up there. You said that. I didn't call you names, I'm just quoting you so everyone here can decide for themselves.


And I'm not going to argue with you. I don't think you have the right to do this shit time and time again, because according to you, you claim to have a drug and drinking problem. Maybe you need to work on that, and not troll the fuck out of people on here.


Just saying.

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I've been abusing drugs since I was a kid and I've done way more than anyone person should do, including pills...


I'm clean now, and know that I'm quite LUCKY to be here...You see last year I took 5 OC 20's in about 6 hours went to sleep and stopped breathing...


no wonder you think Mase is better than Big L

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And, MFW- I think it's good you're doing the right thing and dealing with your drinking and drug problems. That's admirable, and I won't take away your shine on that.


For real. I've been on both sides of the fence, and it's a rough place to be. I wish you luck.

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Those are your words up there. You said that. I didn't call you names, I'm just quoting you so everyone here can decide for themselves.

Decide what? Yes, those are my words I didn't ask for anyones help in those post. And I sure as hell didn't tell anyone what to do with their own life.


I shared my experience but did not preach, do you understand that?

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It is what it is. I've come on here and talked about some seriously crazy shit that was happening in my life, and got all kinds of responses.


If someone comes on here and says, "My friend is in a coma because of drugs, don't go out like he did" then I'm gonna tell him I hope his friend makes it, and that he's right...drugs can be a real fucked up thing.

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You have kids, right?


Wouldn't you be telling your kids that it's bad to abuse drugs and alcohol? Isn't that preaching?


No I don't I have any kids, so I'm not in the position to say what I would do if I did have any. I can tell you this though my experience with drugs was pretty awesome, other than the part where I almost died I had a pretty good time...My experience with drinking hasn't been to great though.


My whole thing is this, I don't know Peyote and don't really care to....But for him to come on here and tell people what's what like we don't already know is ridiculous.


The part where he wished death on me was pretty funny though, still gotta prop him for that one. :lol:

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