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Marijuana vending machines in California


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Saw this last night

Only In California: Marijuana Vending Machines





By Robert Paul Reyes

January 28, 2008

"Los Angeles is now home the worlds first marijuana vending machines. The new machines can be used to buy medical marijuana by patients who have been prescribed the herbal remedy by a doctor. The vending machines will dispense the marijuana when the patient swipes a pre-paid credit card in the machine."


Quotation from the Cleveland Leader


The machines are located at a Los Angeles herbal nutrition center. "Herbal nutrition", what a wonderful description for marijuana.


When I read this article I dropped my Doritos and Ding Dongs in shock; it's give one a great high to read such good news.


I'm gratified that a reputable newspaper refers to marijuana not as an illegal drug but as a "herbal remedy". Marijuana is natural, healthy and full of goodness; it shouldn't be illegal for terminally ill patients or anybody else.




The free availability of medical marijuana is a moral imperative and the free availability of recreational marijuana is a constitutional imperative.


A patient suffering from cancer or another painful disease shouldn't be forced to buy the magic herb from an individual of suspect character. I won't be satisfied until there's a marijuana vending machine in every convalescent home and every Wal-Mart.


This is an important step toward the legalization of marijuana, it removes the stigma from buying the pain-relieving product. There is nothing more normal and all-American that buying a product from a vending machine.


The marijuana vending machines are protected by security guards; I long for the day when they will be so common they won't need strict security.




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It may not be a better mousetrap, but there’s a feeling that at least some people will be beating a path to the new marijuana vending machines that open today in California.


The first of their kind in the U.S.A–one speculates the world–the machines will dispense medicinal marijuana for patients who are prescribed marijuana for health reasons.


Patients have to jump through a few hoops before they can use the machines: they have to present a prescription, be photographed and be fingerprinted and then they are issued a pre-paid credit card that stores the dosage and type of drug prescribed.


Only in the U.S.


Only in California.


No, the machines can’t be used by the paperboy down the street to get ready for a “party hard” weekend–unless the paperboy has been prescribed the drug for health reasons.


At present, eleven states allow the medicinal use of marijuana, primarily for pain relief, but, in the land of the drug crusaders, it remains controversial. Although, one wonders why giving relief to, in some cases, terminally ill patients would cause anyone but drug warriors any cause for concern.

The machines may become a common sight across the US before long. Why?



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