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critique your shit

Poesia [ ] T

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i guess ill throw my 2 cents of critque in on some of these


im not witty


Im not a fan of collage either since the dada movement pretty much covered those bases, but i do appreciate the amount of work that you put into it and how that pays off in the seamless transition of the pieces. i also like the composition in general good job creating that movement and leaving enough negative space to create a great visual piece.







That painting makes me fell pretty shitty, which is ok if you plan on having your Art collected by emo kids that would like to feel shitty all the time. The technique is ok as far as laying down the paint, some spots i can see like the hair where you got lazy and could have worked more texture or depth into it. Your subject matter is just that yours, and you can only know what you where trying to accomplish.


There are times when i would paint shit like this cause i thought i wanted to show people how different i was. Well i learned that it didnt matter if i failed to create a sense of understanding with the viewer i would fail regardless. If you where to maybe build on this overall subject matter but create a atmosphere of felling evoked upon viewing it. If i were to judge it it gives me an uncomfortability level of 3 step it up if your trying to unease people. More heart and sold into the EMO its just BLAH.


The underpass looks better as street art piece, but still not sure your overall concept or reason to do what your doing.




Not really feeling the first ones but the last one is starting go take the direction, not sure if it was more recent but it seems to have captured a more genuine moment. These seem like art class assignments and really are not selling me. The good thing is they look like there progressing, and it looks like you are taking painting serious. Painting is not a overnight craft, and the more you commit and dont look back the farther you will go. Good work.




Not sure what that was for, but it seems too easy on the eye, meaning it looks like design if thats the case then good job it could be a nice illustrative piece for maybe a magazine. if it was for a work of art the colors seem to mesh to well. A bit more risk maybe.


Good work yall even if i was hard on you just my 2 cents.

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That painting makes me fell pretty shitty, which is ok if you plan on having your Art collected by emo kids that would like to feel shitty all the time. The technique is ok as far as laying down the paint, some spots i can see like the hair where you got lazy and could have worked more texture or depth into it. Your subject matter is just that yours, and you can only know what you where trying to accomplish.


There are times when i would paint shit like this cause i thought i wanted to show people how different i was. Well i learned that it didnt matter if i failed to create a sense of understanding with the viewer i would fail regardless. If you where to maybe build on this overall subject matter but create a atmosphere of felling evoked upon viewing it. If i were to judge it it gives me an uncomfortability level of 3 step it up if your trying to unease people. More heart and sold into the EMO its just BLAH.


The underpass looks better as street art piece, but still not sure your overall concept or reason to do what your doing.






i just dont think you need to "acomplish" anything in a painting. that sounds like a whole lotta art school mumbo jumbo. im NOT trying to make any one grossed out. i think it has more comical qualities than yucky, unless your grossed out easily. i think it says something funny, it shouldnt make you feel shitty. dont worry. :-) smiley!!! when i paint its not a sitdown concentrated thing, its about movement and application of paint. its not really thought out. and i enjoy my art to be this way. and how could you not understand subject matter? its exageratted portriature. its been done since the beginning of art. it doesnt need to necessarly convey or portray anything! it can be an interesting image and be like because of that.

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Been trying to teach myself to draw over the past few months.


Sort of gone from not having any clue what I was doing to just now starting to figure things out.


Try to pull off 1-3 drawings/sketches a day.


Here are a few selections from over the past few months…


































Crit welcome.



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manic i think they look great. they make me want to do some pencil studies again! one suggestion i have for you is something i did my first year of college that helped me draw a bit better. i did alot of pencil studies, then i started working on similar studies with charcoal.. at first i couldnt master using the charcoal, but the i began utilizing a additive subtractive method and just took off from there. the deal with that method is to crush up some charcoal into powder then dump it on your paper (preferably rives bfk) and then rub it in with your hand or a chamois rag. you'll then have a base of a medium gray and you can draw on top of that with charcoal and erase for your highlights with a good kneaded eraser.


back to the crit.


i think you did a better job with the foreshortening in then wrinkles and have a much more believable shadow on the cough drop than you have in the piece of hard candy.


though the concept of the drawing of then drawing resting on the legs is cool as hell, the legs look a bit too thin and the book appears to be floating on the legs rather than resting on them

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thanks yinz. yeah i've been meaning to start trying out charcoal actually.


i see what you mean with the candy/cough drop thing and the legs drawing.


thanks very much for your crit! i'll keep that in mind and keep at it!

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i want the red foxx painting so bad it's sick!!


here is one of my newer prints




I think the line variation is just a tad bit unbalanced. I really like how you went for trying to vary up the line size rather than using one thick black line the entire time but I think it might be a bit more balanced if you carried the thin lines throughout the rest of the piece.


Not sure how well the leaves at the bottom fit.


I do really like it though.

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the overspray on the stencils is a no go for me. to avoid this, use som NY thins/gray dots when you're painting them. or you cn just mask off/cover the borders a bit more. the colors are very nice though.


not sure how much i can comment on the piece. do you have a full/straight on picture of it?

it does look like some of the blackbook pieces might be a buit hard to see/distinguish with all the colors in the background but some people like that ya'know?

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thanks for the crit ill get another flick of the wall piece... needless to say it looks better in person.



about my stenciled prints...

i went to school and recieved a bfa in printmaking and sculpture. the thing hate most about printmaking is the concept of editioning. i enjoy making stencils and monotypes in which case the concept of editioning is very hard t achieve, so i DO edition my stenciled prints, but i enjoy the fact that each of them are indiviualized directly because of the overspray and the bitten warhol tactic of brush painting the background colors, i guess i should have put this art statement in with the flick.... ps i fucking love overspray, especially if i spend hours and hours cutting the fucking thing

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thanks for the crit ill get another flick of the wall piece... needless to say it looks better in person.



about my stenciled prints...

i went to school and recieved a bfa in printmaking and sculpture. the thing hate most about printmaking is the concept of editioning. i enjoy making stencils and monotypes in which case the concept of editioning is very hard t achieve, so i DO edition my stenciled prints, but i enjoy the fact that each of them are indiviualized directly because of the overspray and the bitten warhol tactic of brush painting the background colors, i guess i should have put this art statement in with the flick.... ps i fucking love overspray, especially if i spend hours and hours cutting the fucking thing



i know about stencils too. repetition/editioning is key.


and yes i argee with you that overspray can bee good. just not in all cases.


i agree with you 100% though... the mistakes and misalignments are what make stencils and what not interesting.



























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