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Immortality (?)

the dark horse

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I haven't read this one though.




Anyways, I don't want to live forever, but I do wanna be around to travel in space.



a lot of people say things like this, but by the time this happens there will be other interesting shit thought up that's possible that you'll want to see too.. so you'll be like shit... i guess i'll live for another hundo... and on and on and on.


atleast thats what i see happening.

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im sayin .... does anyone else see the extreme danger here ...... i think the whole human race may have been doomed from the start, because once a select few achieve their own version of immortality, arent the rest of us pretty much as good as dead/slaves at that point??? the dark side of human nature (ego, jealousy, hatred) may have fucked us over from the start. we are still such a young species, we are by no means a proven success. anyone have any ideas for waking up the dumb deaf and blind? or shall we resign ourselves to defeat and just hope for the infrastructure to crumble?

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We think it is only a matter of time, before the technology of physical immortality is available.

In today's society technology is increasing at an increasing rate, to quicker than we have ever seen ! Only now, right at this point in time has the possibility a risen to within the grasp of the human enterprise.

The world wide web makes it possible, to coordinate like minded people in every country and society on the planet. With a unified field of thought in the direction of our physically immortality, may make it a reality quicker than you ever could have believed.



Its Immortality time. Where my nerds at/ google oner

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