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how do you guys plan on spending your night?


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so it turns out my night fucking sucked. what a surprise.........


when i left i called my friend who was in berkeley, so i flew to berkeley in like 10 minutes on the freeway.

when i picked her up two more people were with her, so we were just driving around berkeley for a minute trying to find out what to do, and so we decide to go to my school's volleyball game for the NCS championship.

the game was pretty intense..... we caught like the last 15 minutes of it, we won. woo-hoo.

so then we were standing around (with the people i picked up) trying to figure out what do to (afterparties).

we end up going to nation's, and no one orders anything, so we leave, and apparently there's this "drunken" party shit going on near the horse tracks down at the waterfront.

a bunch of people just smoking and drinking in a parking lot and shit...... if there is a name for that i don't know what it is.

so anyway we go there. and at first we drive by a group of like 40 kids i don't even know. so we keep driving, and we see the people that told us about it.

and it was pretty lame, i mean i wasn't gonna drink, and the people in my car were being hella fucking gay..... i wanted to shoot all of them.

so we decide to leave... and we drive back past all the people that i don't know... and one of them is like "you tryin to buy me some booze????????" all drunken and high, and i was about to say "haha naw man" but the fucking bitches in my car decide to be like "no you fucking dumbass get out of here"




that was fucking stupid. so i just keep driving and then we see some more people roll up that i know.. but keep driving... then halfway out of this parking lot these bitches are like "no i wanna stay now!!"

so i was like "well fuck, do you want to fucking get out then, because i'm not staying here."

so i turn around and drive fucking back... and the people i don't know see me and they're fucking like "so what the fuck bitch.... what were you sayin?" hella wanting to fight me. then i was like "well fuck, look what you stupid fucks did"

at this point i was hella fucking pissed, i pulled up and i told them to get the fuck out of my car, and they were like "but we don't have a ride home..."

then i was like well whatever fuck...... and i just turned around AGAIN, and i was so pissed at this point i just blew past all those people that wanted to fight me and shit, and drove 70 mph until i dropped their faggot asses off at the girl's house.


then i sped off..... then pulled over and took some deep breaths... and told myself not to be bitter and drive like a fucking maniac and kill myself.... chilled myself out. and drove myself home.

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the whole time before we even got to those horsetracks they were being fucking annoying.

i didn't even really want to go in the first place, but they kept on saying like "so are we gonna go now???"

they even expected me to drive them home at shit at like 12... fuck them


i should have left their asses at that stupid park

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i hate when shit happens like that, but im not a tag along anymore. and i wont take shit like that cause ive seen it happen a lot.

a lot of the time my friend is getting punked so bad,

hes a D.J....so he has gigs every weekend. so his girlfriend tells him to pick her up. without asking any questions or anything like that. so we get there and she gets in and shit. the rest of us are in the back seats getting ready to party and shit.

so then stars askin questions 5 mins before we get there like:


how much are you getting paid?

how long is it going to be?

who is for?



the answers were

1. 175...it was for a friend. and my friend is a not that great of a D.J.

2. 3.5 hours

3. somebody she doesnt like.

4. cause he likes djing and the money is just extra.



so she flips the fuck out. calling him a dumbass and that he deserves more and now shes pissed and she wants to go home. and blah blah blah blah.

telling him that why does he even except the deal if its not enough.

(he likes doing it) (but she takes most of the money so i see why shes mad that hes not getting more)

shes a fucking bitch seriously.

but the main thing is she MAKES him drive her all the way back across town to drop her off.

then later that night in the middle of the part. she calls and says."i want to go now"

so i have to cover the turn tables for him

im fucking faded. its sarato scratch live so its not that hard to mix,

then after 30 mins thats shes there she bitches that she wants to go back home


damn thats a some fuckikng stupid shit

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