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uknome, believe what you want to, krink is NOT thinned rusto paint!! i had a bottle i accidentally left open and what was left after most of the solvent (xylene) evaporated was you were left with a large soggy piles of silver flakes. still haven't decided what to do with it. and if you think thinned rusto is as good as krink, USE IT! but vandal's ink (made in cali) or krink silver (made in NYC) are legit silver INKS that are FAR SUPERIOR to thinned rusto!! now is the compound you're using more similar to thinned paint than to standard alcohol based ink? probably so, but thinned paint, like Junobo, will NOT flow through a valve marker like a krink broadline while KRINK DOES - so i don't really care what it is, it's better than some shit i can make with racked goods from walmart, period!


big ass bump to junobo on the mop write up!!



damn homie your a fool...straight up....the k71s flow through those markers because of the nibs...fool your homies but your not fooling me or those that know wusup....and ill clarify whether vandals ink is ink or paint...i already know what it is but ill double check because i have a contact with the original makers of vandals ink...

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have you ever smelled or felt krink?....well if you have you know that it is the exact same thing as rusto..kr may add a couple of things to it but it isnt anything special..your paying for the bottle and the name....i know why oink is backing it up so hard...because hes selling it...or am i wrong?...


krink is not ink...

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BLAH BLAH BLAH... Marco Ecko... Toy Kidz on the interwebz, I know what I'm talking about because I'm from the streets son! You guys wish you know what was up... blah blah blah...[/qoute]


Shut the FUCK up you whiny ass bitch.


Why is it so important to you to come on to an

internet web forum about graffiti, and be a dick to

some kids who are trying to get together and do some

shit. I don't think we've even brought KRink, in any real

detail, in several months. You felt it your duty to let

everyone know "what's up" and be dick about it at the

same time. You may talk to these kids like what they

are doing, or talking about, is toy... But it's FAR more

toy come on "12oz..." Wait... It's FAR MORE TOY to

come into the "YARD" on 12oz and start talking shit.


If you don't like it... GET THE FUCK OUT.

If you think KRink is what you say it is... SO FUCK WHAT.

Your constant arguing of the situation is testament to the

fact that you ain't got shit to do in the real world.


It's not our fault you probably have no friends or a life. OR

you're some jaded ex-gangsta trying to bid your time on

house arrest by "befriending internet assholes..." or at

least that's how it looks. FUCK YOU. FUCK OFF.


Go bother people on the one of the other GRAFF TAGGIN'

site, cause nobody wants it here. You are the fucking toy.

You and your bullshit attitude is not welcome.

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for sure for sure? because some paint markers are opposite, and mine isnt moving either way :[


i got a tagstar(ish) marker from office max.




1. Open Marker

2. Take off nib

3. Wrap some rubber bands around the body of the marker (for the grippiness)

4. Sandwich the holder of the nib (the rectangle) between to planks of wood,

5. Stand on the wood.

6. Crouch down a twist, as your body weight is clamping the marker in place.


worked for me, anyways.



and to asdf_va!, co-signed.


and what the fuck does it matter anyways, if YOU dont like krink, then dont use it.

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