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i dont think Bill Nye would approve of sticking a red hot nail into a sealed container full of a combustible liquid. eventually the wall would get real thin there and possibly harden and become un flexible and thats no good.

if you cant open your marker then why would you even use it? thats like buying a car, driving what gas was in the tank and then just ditching it.


ace, ur white out pen will not explode from a hot nail, nor will it catch fire. ive done it. still have both hands, sans burn.


if you have a badass marker, why not write with it? just cuz u think u cant refill it doesnt mean it is a shitty writing implement.


you just open one lil hole, and then put tape over it when ur done. its that simple. either that or just heat the back of a spoon to close the hole. i do it with bongs ALL DAY. carb hole too big? cool, hit it with the spoon.

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tape will not work at all, ive done it. and it didnt work, at all.


oh i know it wont explode, but im sure one of these toys will figure out a way to hurt themselves, whether it be holding the nail int heir fingers while heating it, or god knows what else.

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;6361050']i made a dope ass mop from a mitchem roll on deoderant stick' date=' po out the ball, get some inda esay flow ink, some felt for the nib, a bb and 3tbs brake fluid, shit works sick, and the drip is nastier then the clap[/quote']


cpngrats. people been doin that since way back in the way back.


minus the breakfluid. i dont know if you know, but nobody uses that shit anymore if they really know whats up


it doesnt belong in anything that you own homie. it goes in brakes not paint, and damn sure not in your ink.


same goes for fish oil. you want ur shit to be corrosive add methyl ethyl ketone or acetone or toluene or xylene.


those are chemicals that are for the most part, less hazardous to a human than brake fluid, and more hazardous to a bus stop, dumpster, whatever surface ur writin on.


break fluid doesnt do a damn thing. pour it straight onto a wall and see what happens. nothing is magically melted away, nothin is even scarred.


myth busted.


it doesnt let shit penetrate into a wall that would normally do it on its own just cuz it "keeps it wet so it soaks in"


that is bullshit. complete bullshit. paint is not for staining. and even then, most paints have too high of surface tension to be efficient in any kind of deep penetrating application. inks stain, paints dont. and if ur so worried about a mop tag seepin into shit, maybe you need to find a new hobby.


if you have a problem with being buffed, get the fuck out and quit tagging on ur little desk or whatever. get out there and writer ur name till u run out of ink/paint.


then you dont haveto worry about being buffed, and u damn sure dont have to worry about being just another dumbshjt toy with dot 3 in his pocket.




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ive seen pics of prestos before annd they look to be the exact same as normal pentel white out pens .. prestos have a fine point no? ive never actually had one .. im from canada so maybe we dont get them up here?


prestos are fucking dope.

i have three.


one filled with smash gold

one filled with an orange ink

and one the ghetto white.


you can catch amazing hands on metals, pourous, even concret if you know what your doing.


shits dope

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fish oil dosent do shit cept make your ink smell like some old ladies nasty pussy homie.


even the guy with 10 posts knows whats up.




im not saying that if its edible its horrible, but come on people, REALLY? FISH OIL???

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If anyone was planning on buying the "Toxic Shocker" from artprimo go to your local cvs and get one of the cvs stain removers. Exact same mini mop for free, if you're going to buy it you mine as well get it from artprimo because it's a little more expensive at cvs. But it really isn't hard to stick a marker in your pants..


Flick I posted a while ago


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Im just talking from experience here... the one tag i felt like a pro for doin in broad daylight.. is still there... Hate on fish oil all you want but the spots been buffed twice and my tag is still there


If you are telling the truth,I can guarantee it's another ingredient in the ink that left a ghost.

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