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Drug Dealers in Favelas


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I thought the background picture would give you an idea too..it is of San Francisco...the Bay Bridge


Tell you the truth I didn't even notice that painted background at first. It was just something about how you were posing like you're not used to holding a gun and you were just posing for the cammera. And I guess cause you dress different than the other photos.

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no all the guns ar expensive but they are SOLD to the Drug Lords who who else..the police..so some currupt police guy go raids a gun storege place..contact the dono and drives in a car and sells them to the drug lord who distributes them to his soldiers..but the ones who carry guns need to be in the gang a while befre the get a gun..there is a whole ladder of advencement in the drug dealing..It is run like a business.


the order goes

1. Olheiro- watcher with walkie talkie who gets paid to be on roofs and watch over the community for possible trouble or outsiders who may not belong there..the two biggest troubles are other gangs or polce coming in..they are the first line in defense of the favela.

2. Fogueteiros- these are the guys who usualy ar with one olheiro, they light off the firworks.

3. Vapor or Aviaozinhos- thye do drug delivery..or go get money from a custoimer, get the drug then return back and give to the customer the drugs. They are only delivery guys.

4. Soldados- they protect the favela with the guns, they also protet the Boca d Fumo, which is a place where people can go to buy drugs..It is like what a Crack house would be in the US, but in favela there is only Two drugs they sell "White" or Cocaine and "Black" Maconha-Pot

5. Gerente da Boca- this guy is like a mid level manager, he distributes the drugs to soldados and Vapores..usually if a guy has pacotes of drugs or a carga they also have a soldado with them..

6. Fiel- This is the Donos right hand man, he is with the Dono every minute and protects him has gund everthing to protect..the lower levels as list here from 1-5 never meet the dono, they alsays go through the gerente oif they need something.

7. Dono da Boca- This guy OWNS the whole drug den and RUNS the whole show in his favela.


Ok Maybe I am give you guys too much informations eh?

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