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Osama bin Laden will release a video ahead of the sixth anniversary of the Sept. 11


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If a man is advanced in age with white hair and a beard, it would hardly be appropriate for him to dye his hair black. On the day of the conquest of Makkah, Abu Bakr brought his aged father, Abu Quhafah, carrying him until he had him seated in front of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). On seeing Abu Quhafah's snow-white hair, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, 'Change this, but avoid black.' (Fath Al-Bari)

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Casek is right. The Prophet Muhammad did forbid dying the hair black, but as far as I know, brown is ok although the more common practice among muslims who have grey is to dye it with henna and it might look like this....




or darker , depending on how white it was to begin with.


I don't know if nobody would ever follow him if he dyed his beard black, though. It may just be brown. Who knows? He looks the same to me, just a little more weathered and the camera looks like it was less quality than others.

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what i wanna know is, how the fuck do we get a high quality picture like this... and then only recieve these blurry ass videos?


i know those videos with the beheading's are higher quality then this.



a still photograph is always going to be of better quality than a screenshot from a moving video. i don't get what the confusion is about.

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not necessarily what? the old videos of "higher quality" don't look as good as a still photograph. what's to debate here?


if not, then find an example of a screenshot of a moving video being of equal or better quality than a still photograph




of course i can find a nice still from a movie that is as high of quality.

digital, hi-def, etc. provide excellent still quality.


as far as the bin laden videos, the older are of more quality than this recent.

i haven't found the whole of the recent video and i hear rumors of it being a still with voice over. i guess we'll have to wait and see.

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^still doesn't have the clarity and sharpness of a still photograph (where lighting is set up just right, focus, positioning, etc.)


getting back on point -- bin laden's still photographs are going to look better than his video captures. why is this even a surprise?




well, of course it's going to look better with a whole photographic studio setup, but we aren't talking studio setup's.


we're talking old videos vs new videos.


and yeah, at full res instead of the contact sheet style that example i posted, they do look pretty damn good.


also, the beard thing....did you ignore what dawood said completely?

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well, of course it's going to look better with a whole photographic studio setup, but we aren't talking studio setup's.


we're talking old videos vs new videos.


and yeah, at full res instead of the contact sheet style that example i posted, they do look pretty damn good.


also, the beard thing....did you ignore what dawood said completely?


that's where you got off track. i was never talking about "old videos vs. new videos"... i was responding to ILOTSMYBRAIN asking why the videos of bin laden dont look as good as those still photographs of bin laden.


what about the "beard thing" and what he said? i never denied anything about what kind of beard dye can be used. irrelevant. my thing was with you saying his followers would never listen to him again because of his choice of beard dye. there's no evidence to support that notion.

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that's where you got off track. i was never talking about "old videos vs. new videos"... i was responding to ILOTSMYBRAIN asking why the videos of bin laden dont look as good as those still photographs of bin laden.


what about the "beard thing" and what he said? i never denied anything about what kind of beard dye can be used. irrelevant. my thing was with you saying his followers would never listen to him again because of his choice of beard dye. there's no evidence to support that notion.


sorry, must've passed over ILOTSMYBRAIN's comment.


as for what i said about the beard dying and his followers not following him

after the dyeing, i meant it.


bin laden and al-qaeda use the whole fundamentalist muslim thing to get their message to the people.


what do they want? fundamentalist muslim states. if you are such a fundamnetlaist and adhere to the rules of islam/allah so much, then why would you go against allah's teachings?

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sorry, must've passed over ILOTSMYBRAIN's comment.


as for what i said about the beard dying and his followers not following him

after the dyeing, i meant it.


bin laden and al-qaeda use the whole fundamentalist muslim thing to get their message to the people.


what do they want? fundamentalist muslim states. if you are such a fundamnetlaist and adhere to the rules of islam/allah so much, then why would you go against allah's teachings?



Many of these extremists have cotnradicted themselves. Remember Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi's video of him wearing New Balance shoes?


I think Bin Laden has worn Seiko watches. Those fatigue jackets he sometimes wears looks like US military-patterned cammies (prior to the current "digital cami" look).

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yeah, i've seen him in his american BDU's.


never saw the new balance pics. but it doesn't surprise me.

CIA fucks up alot.


no, seriously, i think this video is the tell-tale heart.


video freezes when he says anything relevant to the present, he looks

completely different, dyed beard, etc.

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lol, why is white beard hair bad?!



there's nothing wrong with white beard hair but....


Allah's Apostle said, "The Jews and the Christians do not dye (their grey hair), so you shall do the opposite of what they do (i.e. dye your grey hair and beards)."


And muslims have been encouraged to differ from Jews and christians in every way.

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