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count chocula

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these are my current surroundings, take them in....


this is where a lady co-worker of mine sits

she's a fine filipino woman, who looks like a fitness freak

she also left for vacation a couple weeks ago and came back with what appear to be C cups..

...i have my suspicions.



i work with dude here. we design cool shit, and fix crappy designs for money. it has its' ups and downs.

we post all of the ridiculous shit on the dry erase board.

*example: that one picture there of the dickhead smiling is a mockup of his 8 x 10 which states that he is a 'Tony Soprano look-alike & impersonator'.



i sit here... sometimes.

i don't usually drink soda, at all.... but it's hot, and i'm a sucker for grape, punch, pineapple, and other ultra-sweet carbonated drinks...

i'm not sure who paid for that water, when i find out, i'm sure i will think less of them.




the vending machine said it was Welch's.

i got shafted on that deal... tasty nonetheless.




i work for a relatively large web-based company, and i had to use this shit today, it has OS8, i think

some dickhead sent me large format slides, and the scanner i usually use kept fuckin around.




we keep our brownbag lunches in this thanger. it helps us realize how much better we are than pretty much everyone else who works here (their lunches go into the 'community' fridge, and are often the victim of the phantom lunch grifter).











that is all for now.

thank you in advance,



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