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The Answers to all of AOD's arguments

russell jones

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This site is great




It is part of a larger site that critiques Libertarianism. I especially like the part about Libertarian evangelicalism. For a great example, check out the rebuttal to the libertarian argument that taxation is theft.



" Taxation is theft.


Two simple rebuttals to this take widely different approaches.


The first is that property is theft. The notion behind property is that A declares something to be property, and threatens anybody who still wants to use it. Where does A get the right to forcibly stop others from using it? Arguments about "mixing of labor" with the resource as a basis for ownership boil down to "first-come-first-served". This criticism is even accepted by some libertarians, and is favorably viewed by David Friedman. This justifies property taxes or extraction taxes on land or extractable resources if you presume that the government is a holder in trust for natural resources. (However, most people who question the creation of property would agree that after the creation of property, a person is entitled to his earnings. Thus the second argument)


The second is that taxation is part of a social contract. Essentially, tax is payment in exchange for services from government. This kind of argument is suitable for defending almost any tax as part of a contract. Many libertarians accept social contract (for example, essentially all minarchists must to insist on a monopoly of government.) Of course they differ as to what should be IN the contract. "



Of course this argument is very concise at best, and perhaps simplistic at worst, but undeniably effective. Or is it?

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shit guys, i liked it better when everyone was praising ron paul !


i read some of this page and any clear minded patriot can counter all arguments pretty easily. but then again, if someone is going to take the time to argue with a clear minded patriot with material espoused on that site, no ones opinion is going to change.


you trying to hook up and head to NH with randy weaver, casek?

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i never been on ron paul's tip.




anywho, How is everyone? Not to randomly turn this into a social thread in crossfire.



I am just way too stoned for anything academic right now.

I got off work early, and it is awesome. Especially since I quit today.

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