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hey just get a job when yer piss is clean


you are the one who was stupid and fucked up


so deal with it.


if the piss test comes back 1 time as abnormal


they well either give you a hair follicle test, which can not be beat no matter what you do


or you will not get hired

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hey just get a job when yer piss is clean


you are the one who was stupid and fucked up


so deal with it.


if the piss test comes back 1 time as abnormal


they well either give you a hair follicle test, which can not be beat no matter what you do


or you will not get hired



My piss will basically never be clean, it says that it can take up to 3 months or more to get weed out of your system when you have smoked as much as me. I'm not skinny so it is def sticking to my fat. I didn't really plan on even having to take the test in the first place because none of the places I applied for required it. It just so happens that the place hiring me now is big so they do bullshit like this.


I got it on lock though. I got a Saline bottle which I am going to fill with my brothers piss before he goes to school tomorrow. I am then going to drive directly to the place where you don't need an appointment. So hopefully I can get right in there and piss. This bottle is ill because I can just squeeze it and it will mimic the pissing sound. Holler.

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No way man. It takes like a month at the most for an overweight woman (slowest metabolism of weight/sex combinations) to piss clean. I'm not skinny either and I used to smoke ALOT, like all day everyday for years, and whenever I needed to clean out my system it would take about three weeks max.

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After 48 hours of intense anxiety, my substitution method came off perfectly. They made me wait an HOUR AND A FUCKING HALF. I guess so I couldn't do that. When I filled the cup there it was exactly 90 degrees. She looked at it funny a few times and was like "Ok well its 90 so I will accept it." Good thing I ran that bitch under real hot water for 3 or 4 minutes before I left. Yayyyyyyy

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