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ch.0 is turning to shit.


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1) Remember those old old old threads where people would write a story, and everyone would have to add 3, 5, 7, 12 words, and continue on and on and on? ahhahah i miss those, someone make one please?


this is much needed...


12oz was going so good right after the 4 or 5 day break a lot of good threads about things i wanted to comment on but now we hae some really ghey threads and people posting in them with names like n_igma and crackbombpaint and "teh awesomez" names like that...a lot of people have new names now and i feel like the hate is so prevolent on here now its ridiculous...some of these new people have no concept have no idea how it works in here and bring that Brick Slayers mentality in here like you cant tell me shit and i dont care about your opinion.....


dudes just need to relax.........

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  • Replies 96
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1) Remember those old old old threads where people would write a story, and everyone would have to add 3, 5, 7, 12 words, and continue on and on and on? ahhahah i miss those, someone make one please?


this is much needed...


12oz was going so good right after the 4 or 5 day break a lot of good threads about things i wanted to comment on but now we hae some really ghey threads and people posting in them with names like n_igma and crackbombpaint and "teh awesomez" names like that...a lot of people have new names now and i feel like the hate is so prevolent on here now its ridiculous...some of these new people have no concept have no idea how it works in here and bring that Brick Slayers mentality in here like you cant tell me shit and i dont care about your opinion.....


dudes just need to relax.........


That’s a haters job, to fucking HATE!

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