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Photo retouching / restoration.


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phot retouching is a fairly broad area.


but i guess the basic set of tools can be applied to all of them


* Curves: for colorcorrection; being able to correctly smaple the color info from one image and create matching information for correction areas. I am not so good at curves. but i know they are very poerful and soe people use them on combination with specific channels.

* Pen tool and other means for precise selction making, The pen tool is my go to tool however quite a bit can be done with quick masks and color range selections.

* Maskes are also a good thing to work with, allowing to conceal/reveal layer areas with out altering the pixle data.

* i think even though it seems to be the most blatantly useabel tool, the "stamp", is used the least. and in favor of cloning and area i think a lot of people copy paste spefic pixle areas to cover and area typically handled by the clone tool. This way your not altering original pixle data your jsut building ontop of the image.



but at the end of the day what you need to knwo depends heavily on what you want to re-touch;

* fashion shit

* product phtography

* old and aged photos

* architectural


the list goes on....

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any options out there for video retouching. iv been shooting a ton of stuff over the past two years onna pretty decent sony hd dv. find that weather or not its been a function iv set incorrectly or another reason my footy is dull looking. colors just dont pop, and im filmin shit that the colors need to fuckin pop.


what are my options, if any??

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