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you've just bin Dmoted...


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  • Replies 67
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  • 4 months later...
Guest imported_Europe

Very nice stuff, good post too.

I like the older more traditional stuff better than new 3D-ish stuff.

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Very nice.


i first here about dmote in 'on the run' magazine and those peices were real nice too.

some on here are cool. really.


but this guy is a fool.

he talks shit like you do not believe.


so much he came to germany and got bashed real bad by Berlin writers for talking shit about loomit and european writers in all.

so bad he got taken to hospital and got warned never to goto berlin!

hes now writing in can2's crew suk but undercover they all say he has a big mouth and big ego -dissing most of europes top writers all the time.

cemnoz bates neon chintz fume shore mode2 and all Berlin writers and even loomit too

i think its safe for him to stay very far away like australia.

this is shame because hes got nice stuff i think.

but ego fucks lots of people and the shit he talks makes us think he is stupid

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Originally posted by kidd125

Very nice.


i first here about dmote in 'on the run' magazine and those peices were real nice too.

some on here are cool. really.


but this guy is a fool.

he talks shit like you do not believe.


so much he came to germany and got bashed real bad by Berlin writers for talking shit about loomit and european writers in all.

so bad he got taken to hospital and got warned never to goto berlin!

hes now writing in can2's crew suk but undercover they all say he has a big mouth and big ego -dissing most of europes top writers all the time.

cemnoz bates neon chintz fume shore mode2 and all Berlin writers and even loomit too

i think its safe for him to stay very far away like australia.

this is shame because hes got nice stuff i think.

but ego fucks lots of people and the shit he talks makes us think he is stupid


http://'> kidd 125 you are the biggest stupid malaka i have ever seen on this board,you are soooo toy yet you go dissing all people like you think your the man,when your just my filthy bitch,bend over again like you do so well!

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i not dissing his peices.

they are nice like i said.

we have like them from the on the run time.


i just say what happened when he was here and what people here think about him.

he got bashed real bead and taken to hospital for dissing everyone. this is not me dissing him. is it?


its sad because he one of the best in australia.

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Originally posted by kidd125

i not dissing his peices.

they are nice like i said.

we have like them from the on the run time.


i just say what happened when he was here and what people here think about him.

he got bashed real bead and taken to hospital for dissing everyone. this is not me dissing him. is it?


its sad because he one of the best in australia.


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Guest rib



yo kid125, I can't be bothered arguing, and I don't wanna turn a nice thread into a bitch-o-rama, but I think its kinda pathetic how you always refer to the whole of fucking Europe as "we", like all writers in Europe elected you to speak on their behalf. Speak for yourself and stop generalising that "EVERYONE" thinks this about so and so, cos thats bullshit, you wouldn't know what hardly anyone really feels or thinks. Remember the graff grape vine is mostly lies, don't get sucked in, unless you see shit for yourself, don't believe 90% of other peoples rumours. Anyway, kid125, what you write? Atleast what crew/s are you in, cos your awfully opinionated for someone nameless. I don't write rib, but I also don't have a million voiced opinions.


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Re: Kidd125


Originally posted by rib

yo kid125, I can't be bothered arguing, and I don't wanna turn a nice thread into a bitch-o-rama, but I think its kinda pathetic how you always refer to the whole of fucking Europe as "we", like all writers in Europe elected you to speak on their behalf. Speak for yourself and stop generalising that "EVERYONE" thinks this about so and so, cos thats bullshit, you wouldn't know what hardly anyone really feels or thinks. Remember the graff grape vine is mostly lies, don't get sucked in, unless you see shit for yourself, don't believe 90% of other peoples rumours. Anyway, kid125, what you write? Atleast what crew/s are you in, cos your awfully opinionated for someone nameless. I don't write rib, but I also don't have a million voiced opinions.




OK - yes i understand this.

i will say this - my opinions are from my eyes and ears only.

i am too old and have been around along time to know the graf bullshit vines (you say) cause alot of problems. VERY TRUE


when i say "we" i talk for me and the guys i run with, the guys i commuincate with. yes this is not all of europe.

my english sometimes express something different so yes i am happy to explain.


i think dmote is one of the TOP writers that comes from Australia.

there is no question about this!


with my eyes and my ears i seen him talk shit here in germany.

i was at the the Jam where the Berlin guys sent him to hospital.

i seen with my eyes and ears people here look and listen to him like he is a fool. people just walk away from him because he talks negative. more and more australian writers are come to europe and none of them in my and our experience have talked shit and dissed people like he did and this is why he got beaten up bad.


this is not vines - this happened in front of ALOT of people.

he got taken to hospital. this happened in front of alot of people.


so yes i think this is a sad thing because when i say he is one of the top writers to come from australia he is - look at the peices here! they speak.

as a person he is a fool.


and for what i write.

well one of the crews is REALTRANSITAID

alot more after that alot more between that and alot more under that.

so yes if you know the realtransitaid you know i and we know our shit!

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  • 1 year later...

damn what a load of pointless sheeto people talk on this forum IVO killer thriller Mj whoever if you spent half the time you do piecing that you do spouting shite you would be a little closer to understanding why people like Atome get props from the international community.

Your a GOBSHITE shut up!

I'm also going to pick up on the last comment putting Dash and Dmote in the same league as Atome shows a serious misunderstanding in Styles .

Dmote is at best average but prolific at painting

Dash is good with paint and fantasy styles his pieces are ok dokey.

Atome paid attention in class he did the homework his styles burn and continue to.

Australia for some reason is the most deeply beef infected scene i have ever came across you guys will never agree on shit.


Anyway IVO go and pull yer wire ya muppet!

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Majornumnuts to say that dash's pieces are okey dokey i feel is an understatement the guy has killer letters and i prefer his style to atome's... but you cant compare apples to oranges and i think they are both dope writers but there olmost on opposite ends on the style spectrum dash seems to of followed the bronx kinda style and turned out his own style where as atome followed the tfp kinda actually i cant really categorize atomes style but its dope none the less but my vote goes to dash.

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Apples and Pears


Ok boozehag just to clarify i wasn't talking about Dash FC , i was talking about the dash from perth oz who can i just add is dope with paint .

My point is Atome is a letter writer his outlines burn without colour or background he just has a sic style.

As for the Bronx style ? TFP are in fact a Bronx Crew from what i've picked up Kase 2 ring any bells?

Sento i believe is also a Bronx writer so it would seem that the TFP style has it's heart in the Bronx

I rest my Kase(get it?)

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