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More Cops Died Directing Traffic Than Waging the Drug War Last Year

russell jones

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Man, every time I drive by a cop directing traffic and the person in the car with me is like "that's just easy money, such an easy job" I just ask them how they'd like to stand in the middle of a busy intersection surrounded by jerk-offs in SUVs, soccer moms, high school death-drivers, and tricked-out faggots all the while in full uniform while it's 96 degrees out with 70% humidity. Or even worse, in the middle of winter when it's 5 degrees outside with a -10 wind-chill and 50% humidity. That's hard work those guys do, same with construction workers. Especially around here, where the construction workers had to do the exact same shit AND build the largest tunnel under a city through wet dirt all the while walking in and out of highway exits.


People just don't get it.


It's like how our (finally) former governer Mitt Romney started talking about how eliminating tolls on the MassPike would free up all the money from "over-paid" tollbooth workers and how the MTA (Mass Transit Authority) cheif replied along the lines of "until Mr. Romney works out there in 4 degree weather with highway winds until the skin on his hands starts blistering off from the cold, then he should keep his privledged mouth shut."

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