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wack writers who should quit immediately because they show zero skill or progression:










a few who think have great potential and need to step it up a bit:


MOYOSKE (write bigger, homeboy)

SOCK (take your time. too much of your shit looks rushed)

SOEK (poor choice of name considering SOCK is out there but your wickeds got mad potential)

SNEAK (letter structure needs work but i like the unique crooked tags)

SUMET (you're almost there. work on that 'S')

BOND (nice)

DERO (nice, but poor choice of name due to the fact there is a worldwide graff legend with the same name. you'll never stand apart based on that alone)

LEAK (very nice)

KIRK (work on structure)




more to come as they come to mind. philly hands are not hard to master. no real excuse for so many people to be so bad at them.

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for sure.

original style, throws and hands are very unique.


these are NOT hot ... totally unacceptable ..





haven't seen any throws. the hands i've seen posted here in the forum are weak at best. like i said earlier, i think the general perception of what is really dope has been lost partly due to the fact that all the really good graff from years past is gone. there's not much around to inspire or teach the younger generations.

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i started posting on the internet in 2010....YES! 2010!!




In the Year 2011......Lasers will replace markers and nothing will be hot, it will all be cold burned!:lol:

Originality will give rise to highbeam feet, not hands. Hands will be dead. In the Year 2010, graff will be replaced by Aqua Fresh etchings. Dental care will become the new fill-in.

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wack writers who should quit immediately because they show zero skill or progression:










a few who think have great potential and need to step it up a bit:


MOYOSKE (write bigger, homeboy)

SOCK (take your time. too much of your shit looks rushed)

SOEK (poor choice of name considering SOCK is out there but your wickeds got mad potential)

SNEAK (letter structure needs work but i like the unique crooked tags)

SUMET (you're almost there. work on that 'S')

BOND (nice)

DERO (nice, but poor choice of name due to the fact there is a worldwide graff legend with the same name. you'll never stand apart based on that alone)

LEAK (very nice)

KIRK (work on structure)




more to come as they come to mind. philly hands are not hard to master. no real excuse for so many people to be so bad at them.[/size]


You sound like someone who should shut the fuck up.:lol:

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Sumet bites Delaware writers who snitch and get beat by real heads, and gets his own crew mates caught.. Everyone else I'll agree with for the most part. But why exactly are Solo and Kaex on your list? Kaex doesn't have the most "Philly" hand, sure, but still they're definitely on their own level.


And, solo has a well developed, structured hand. Not to mention it looks pissed off as all hell. I'll admit though, his shorts with just the S and crown look kind of silly without having that last piece on it. Just ending randomly. Doesn't look proper.


Excuse the chit chat.

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Nah, not feelin this at all. I'm sure a lot of you cats are younger than me and you definitely don't have the benefit of coming up in the game with the legends of philly but damn, there's enough photos flying around this forum of some decent philly shit to inspire y'all. And when I say legends of philly I mean true pioneers like BRISK, BRASK, TAN, BOZZ, DB, TMAN. TRAN, MB, BK (BAD KEVIN), SUB, KAT (KOOL ASS TROY), KAM (KOOL ASS MARK), DAZZLE, KAD, FAD, DANE, MET, BRAZE, SAX, BLAN, TAP, MESK, MANK, DONK, MEAN, JAP, RAN, KAROT, PRINK123, MET, DAZER, MEK, DOZE, RE, MR BLINT, JAY CEE, DRU, ETC ETC ETC.


When we were coming up you practiced a lot before you even thought about puttin some wack shit on a wall. Don't take it personal if someone critiques your shit. Use it as motivation to do better. I was in and/or affiliated with many of the top crews and can easily speak as an authority on philly graff so get salty if you want, shit doesn't phase me one bit.


Bringinphilly, check ya inbox.

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god damn it you are fucking retarded...


HERE IS THE PITTSBURGH THREAD!!!! PUT YOUR SHIT IN HERE...I think there is a Philly hands thread somewhere as well fucking search before you do your shit...




philly sucks balls...they will nevr have the same skills as san jose califas :mad: :)

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In the Year 2011......Lasers will replace markers and nothing will be hot, it will all be cold burned!:lol:

Originality will give rise to highbeam feet, not hands. Hands will be dead. In the Year 2010, graff will be replaced by Aqua Fresh etchings. Dental care will become the new fill-in.



right. and youll get a hand, a throw, and a sense of humor. somethin to look forward to i guess

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keepin moving, some flics are reruns from the other site.


solid hands


ive been lookn at this dero in philly since about 88. anyone who is anyone knows this and never confuses the nyc train legend with aia guy.



kirk got that work





respect to the nasty one




meat wad nukka



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that makes me feel a little bit relieved. lol. didn't know the site crashed, i'm new here but not new to the graff scene .. started writing in 1982. yes, 1982.




So wait.... you're supposedly some olehead legend who's pissed about the current state of graffiti,

but then you turn around and say some dumb shit like this? :lol:




wack writers who should quit immediately because they show zero skill or progression:










a few who think have great potential and need to step it up a bit:


MOYOSKE (write bigger, homeboy)

SOCK (take your time. too much of your shit looks rushed)

SOEK (poor choice of name considering SOCK is out there but your wickeds got mad potential)

SNEAK (letter structure needs work but i like the unique crooked tags)

SUMET (you're almost there. work on that 'S')

BOND (nice)

DERO (nice, but poor choice of name due to the fact there is a worldwide graff legend with the same name. you'll never stand apart based on that alone)

LEAK (very nice)

KIRK (work on structure)




more to come as they come to mind. philly hands are not hard to master. no real excuse for so many people to be so bad at them.[/size]




So you're dissing heads like ADS, Solo and Kaex then turn around and give praise to that newjack Sock who hasn't even developed a hand yet?

Then you turn around and dis Dero like he's some newjack, even though you claim to be an olehead that's been writing since the 80's? :lol:



I smell a troll.

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awww, did i hurt your feelings?? are u one of those listed?? be a real man .. step your game up and stop supporting wack graffiti. i was waiting for the first crybaby and apparently i got one. lol


noo, its that it looks like you just joined and all your posts so far are talkin shit on other dudes when no ones seen any of your stuff yet. Your probably that deadbeat writer from the 80s that thinks he's cool because he goes on the internet and talks shit. You should post more pictures and less talk.









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