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Interview with PreOne stolen off KrimeTime.com



PRE (1997)



KT: Well, I guess to make things clear, tell everyone who you are, any aliases, where you're from, crews, etc?


P: I'm PREONE from PHILLY...i also have a few alter ego's..CRISPO..ACURA and PUNCH...etc..??? I'm down with quite a few crews, for whatever reason?? The only ones worth mentioning are BOLD ART ,MTK (Mass Transit Kings..brooklyn), TDR ( The Deadly Rebels..bronx) and NETWORK..(Never Ending Train Wrecking Organization Of Rail Kings)


KT: How long have you been around, and how did you get into it?


P: I got into graff in '83, '84...Did my first piece in like '88..Quit for a while and then came back out in 93' and here i am!! ha ha...I got into it the old fashioned way: peer pressure..ha ha ha! Nah, I was into rap and breakin', and it seemed like the next logical step. Also, I went to some pretty bad schools, and it was a way to get respect (At least where I'm from)..


KT: A lot of kids that I correspond with have tried to get in touch with you with little or no luck. You're kind of known as someone who just doesn't correspond with many people. It seems to me that you don't really care to hook up with millions of writers, and you just want to do your thing, and that's it. Is that somewhat the case, or am I way off?


P: It's definately right! To me, it keeps graff underground..a mystery. The way it should be! When i was younger, I used to imagine what this guy looked like, where he was from, etc... and nine times out of ten, you're dissapointed when you meet them! ha ha ha! Because you find out they are alcoholics or druggies and nobody likes 'em and unfortunately, we are involved in an artform that is illegal, so it isn't good to try and be a movie star like some two letter crews from NY.


KT: What's up with Network crew?


P: Network was started in GEORGIA by my boy for life, COLE (SB.ONE)from

brooklyn and his boys...It was pretty big for a minute, but everyone has kinda fell outta touch..it's still gettin' pushed though...Crews are more or less a status symbol now or just a funny saying next to your tag. They don't hold the same weight as they used to!


KT: Freights vs. walls. What's your opinion on one compared to the other?


P: I love fr8's..it's just a better feeling painting on metal. I'm not one of these guys that tries to front like fr8's are like subways. There is a big difference! But compared to doing walls, I like fr8's better. You can't really pull off a lot of glamourous aerosol art tricks on metal. It's more pure because you have to concentrate on letters and neatness!


KT: What's the Philly scene like as far as freights, walls, and just the type of writers there in general?


P: Philly has an older graff history than New York. It was writers like TOPCAT in the early 70's, and now the 90's version, ESPO that migrated to New York and really said "HERE'S HOW IT'S DONE!" The thing with Philly is that we leaned way more towards bombing and inventing new tag styles, whereas New York went the other way and we ALL know about that. So don't think you'll come to PHILLY and see �thousands of burners 'cause all you're gonna see is some bombin mf's with some "crazy,tall,fat,top to bottom tags". And, as far as the scene now, it's sort of repeating itself. It feels like the late 80's again. Everything is getting buffed and a lot of the dudes writing here are corny, shit-talking biters, but I'm hoping that it will live again!


KT: Any idea how many freights you've got under your belt?


P: I would say around like 250, combined. I'm sure if I counted the ones that I REALLY liked, it would be a lot lower...ha ha ha...


KT: Are you interested in hobo culture?


P: YES. I think that they have it locked down! we can't compete with those guys as far as bombing! i give mad respect to guys like SOLO ARTIST, WATER BED LOU...etc..They are the only writers REALLY keepin' it REAL! They are just gettin' up and aint tryin to be something that they aren't and they probably don't even realize it or care...ha ha ha ha


KT: What's your take on the graff culture and where it's headed?


P: Refer to next question and add PUFF DADDY for answer..


KT: Where's human kind headed?


P: We are headed for a total police state. All forms of individuality and creativity will be supressed or painted over in our case..read 1984, Brave new world, and watch the show the prisoner and you will see what I mean!


KT: Where are you hoping to be in 10 years?


P: In ten years, my one year old son LANCE will be bustin' out or he will think i was some kind of criminal?? Who knows??


KT: Are you involved with any other form of art besides graffiti art?


P: YES. I am studying the janitorial arts...Nahh, I do tattoos and I write.


KT: About how long writing did it take you to develop your own style?


P: I think iI'm really now hitting a nice, consistent peek. So, not counting the years I was out of graff, I'd say like 4-5 years


KT: Any last words?


P: YES.. Graffitti is about your NAME, LETTERS, and representing where you're from; Not riding some other town's dick. If you disagree, then you're in the wrong game kid! And a big HOW YA' LIVIN to my man BRAZE,ESPO,SAT,PRAEZ,NMSKE,JESC...CAV,SIEN5,SENTO,KET,SB and my boys locked down SPELONE AND RALLY RABE!...


one of the realest interviews ive read so far... big ups to pre

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