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fucken bounce foo, if u dont like his shit then dont keep comming back to this thread u dumbass god damn. no cares what the fuck u think.


You obviously care enough to call me out for being a big meany, you fucking hippie. As I'm registered on this forum, I'll browse whatever thread I want to, thanks. I only posted because everyone started pms'ng over Gwar's post, which I agree with.

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fuck the bullshit this guy rocks. not all of JA's shit would make it in the "style hall of fame" but the boy has up's. same with this guy.


bump ribity


are you actually comparing this new jack styless toy to ja? give me a break dude.. get a clue and learn your history


by the way that frog thing is NOT a throwup.. its a terrible drawing

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Yeah keep making assumptions about what I think. This guy is not good at graffiti. How can you argue this point? His "throwie" is a child's drawing. When he doesn't do that he uses big ugly toy letters that have absolutely no structure or flow, that he covers with trendy dots.


This guy is on par with Neckface. And I'm not going to get into the quantity vs. quality debate.

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and if you don't dig his shit then get the fuck out of the thread.


Please find 32,949,234 more ways to keep making this totally asinine point over and over and over. Because all graffiti threads are circle jerks, and if you have a dissenting opinion you must be a "hater."


Next time I'll just write "dope" or "nice" or "bump."

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Just for the record... NY is not a shitty city, it is probably the most amazing city i've ever been too and im not talking only about graffitti but the city as a whole. Yes, most of it it's filled with really ugly graffiti but i give props for the constant destruction that goes on in NY and it's dope to see people from all over the world getting ups there.


I was in NY and saw only one Ribity tag, so yeah, probably he's not that up in NY but he's not a local so, he shouldnt be.

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I'm not gonna stand up for someone i don't know, but i just wanted to say that people who hate on styles like this that are sloppy or not very technical are the very same people who keep putting out their tired tribal logo wildstyle pieces be it the L.A. or N.Y. i've-seen-it-a-million-times-before style.


And this hand is pretty good by the way




No but nice try. This dude just sucks. Even the hands you posted suck.

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trend? he aint no trend. he has been bombing before u were even into graff. i dont care if u live in ny. just cuz he aint up in that shitty city doesnt mean he doesnt put as much work in as writers from ny. if u dont know what ur talking about then dont say anything. he knows damn well people dont like his frog and he doesnt give a shit. why should he change what he wants to do while risking his ass every single night becuase some no name like you from another city doesnt like it?


It's a trend. Not just Ribity but everything comming out of your city and all the artschool toys everywhere else that follow. Nobody hits the books anymore it's just a bunch of faggots in tight pants picking up cans and markers for the first time and without any practice or guidance running around scrawling garbage like a bunch of 5 year olds with a crayon in their hand and making graffiti as a whole look terrible. And I wouldn't doubt Gwar probably been writing longer than you or your frog man being as you kids in SF consider 10 years to be oldhead status.

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he has been bombing for a long time. the kid puts in work which you are seeming to miss. we could have a whole discussion about ups vs style but im not gonna do that.



Exactly! A nigga could have the hottest hand or throw or piece or whatever

but would you complement him by saying "yo that nigga is so up!"???

No! You would just say he has a nice hand or whatever. So how is it that this toy bombs so hard (but sucks) and you kids say that he's good? What's wrong with just saying that he's up?

Ups does not = good... just like good does not = ups.

Get it???


Respect to a niggas ups... just don't confuse the kid into thinking that he's good. Cause that's how you get all these other artfags thinking they can write graffiti too without even practicing and learning about the shit!

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fuck the bullshit this guy rocks. not all of JA's shit would make it in the "style hall of fame" but the boy has up's. same with this guy.


bump ribity



JA has more style in his pinky finger than this kid has period. If you can't recognize that then you don't know shit about graffiti. Period.

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meany? of ourse people are going to argue with gwar becuase he is talking shit about someone he knows nothing about in a thread all about him so wtf do u expect?


Somebody actually started a thread about someone that does 3rd grader drawings of a frog who can't even rock a halfway decent tag and who's straightletters look like they were done by a 3rd grader as well... wtf do YOU expect?:rolleyes:

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picasso spent a huge amount of time trying to relearn how to draw like a child.


This is what you people can't understand. Picasso isn't graffiti. Lo-fi indie rock isn't graffiti. Graffiti is about style, it's almost like a distant nephew of calligraphy...





So stop trying to bastardize it into your broken aesthetic. I like innovation, for example I dig what the Read More Books guy does. But when your shit is ugly, you're a toy, no matter how hard you try to spin that fact.

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