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SOAKER - All I was saying is that if you are on top

of the game and going nation wide as a writer, you

aren't going to be looking like a bum.


It's also impossible to not be, or at least look like,

a consumer in America... Unless you are a bum.


asdf always has some opinion of some goings ons on the internet ive noticed over time..check thyself before you wreck thyself.


^^Opinions will come and go. You can't stop mine,

and I won't stop yours. Check that.

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^^As you type that from a computer on the internet.


I don't know a single, real, writer that doesn't hold an

heir of quality, fashion, and general well to do'ness.


Regardless if they stole, bought, made, or was handed

down their gear... they still looked good and at the same

time exuded the essence of ownership or consumerism.


This talk of Consumers and Whores in relation to being

a man, or a toy... You are comparing apples and oranges.


Don't label people too soon.


"I don't know a single, real, writer that doesn't hold an

heir of quality, fashion, and general well to do'ness."


they want to look fresh and "well-to-do" either to get fucked, or because they want to show allegience to their privileged class and are half-stepping with graff trying the role of the "delinquent" for a couple of years until they get busted at which point they roll on their friends so then they can reintegrate themselves into the status quo without a record. basically, im sayin your friends sound like snitches. keeps it raw and look like a bum. what

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damn there is mostly haterz in this fucking thread... and that sarcastic fuck^ but some of yall doing it on a regular basis still like rezist,cave amen pear and a few more...big up to yall dudes o and dont worry haterz atb will start killin shit again to add some meaning to yall pointless ass lives so eat a dick no homo

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^Those are actually some good photos... regardless of the content... it's stuff you'd actually see if you spent a few hours outside. and its 'current', as in not buffed or relatively recent...


i've been watching a lot of people come on this board and be all like "props to so and so...", when the people they talk about haven't even painted in a minute, or to even hear people still hatin' on ATB, as if ATB even caused any drama in the past year (*which they didn't.). it just lacks relevance, just like it wouldn't make sense to talk about juwan howard and the bullets in 2007.


bottom line is that a lot of people who have commented are people who don't know really what's going on... and i'm not talking about painting... just the state of what the city is like right now. like go ride a bus or train or something. wait don't ride a bus, because u won't see anything at all. all i'm sayin is, people can stay a little more current with their understanding of what's going on... and feel free to use the internet to do that, but don't let that be everything.

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