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maybe instead of talkin about other peoples graffiti you should paint yourself and post it up so i can tell you how fucked it is..and get a new screen name while youre at it..that shit is straight fraudulent


on a lighter note bump that rezist and belev roller..those dudes have got to be MAD tall son

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mad (md)

adj. mad·der, mad·dest

1. Angry; resentful. See Synonyms at angry.

2. Suffering from a disorder of the mind; insane.

3. Temporarily or apparently deranged by violent sensations, emotions, or ideas: mad with jealousy.

4. Lacking restraint or reason; foolish: I was mad to have hired her in the first place.

5. Feeling or showing strong liking or enthusiasm: mad about sports.

6. Marked by extreme excitement, confusion, or agitation; frantic: a mad scramble for the bus.

7. Boisterously gay; hilarious: had a mad time.

8. Affected by rabies; rabid.

tr. & intr.v. mad·ded, mad·ding, mads

To make or become mad; madden.


like mad Informal

1. Wildly; impetuously: drove like mad.

2. To an intense degree or great extent: worked like mad; snowing like mad.

mad as a hatter

Crazy; deranged.

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maybe instead of talkin about other peoples graffiti you should paint yourself and post it up so i can tell you how fucked it is..and get a new screen name while youre at it..that shit is straight fraudulent


on a lighter note bump that rezist and belev roller..those dudes have got to be MAD tall son



the one thing i'm super critical on everyone's graffiti is the 3D, i don't care who it is. it can be some cat i've never met, such as it is in this situation, or it can be one of my best friends. shit, i'm hard on myself when it comes to getting my 3D right. i don't even paint that much anymore, and i definitely respect that this cat is out doing it, i'm just pointing out something that i see wrong with it.


and how the fuck is my sceen name "fraudulent"?

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