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It would suggest I work a 9-5 job where i get to play on 12oz fucknuts

Well I guess hurling lame insults at random strangers makes you feel better about yourself then.


No, It would suggest that you need to shut the fuck up for once

Maybe you should practice what you preach.

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1 - Winning isn't the goal. The goal is to point out that if you act like an ass towards me, I'm quite willing to irritate the hell out of you just to spite you. The "welcome" I received was completely uncalled for. It would have been so much easier to not say anything, but LENS and his buddies decided that being assholes makes them better people.

2 - I know, fucknut, what's that got to do with it? I guess because cars appear in GTA that means they're not real, stuff in videogames is 100% make-believe, after all, ain't it?

3 - RIP

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This has been funny for a few days now.

Now its just kind of becoming annoying

Heres an idea... Stop being a bitch.

Theres been some asshats on this thread

but im beginning to think you take the crown

for being the biggest fucktard ever.

eat shit.

and check out bombingscience already

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1 - Winning isn't the goal. The goal is to point out that if you act like an ass towards me, I'm quite willing to irritate the hell out of you just to spite you. The "welcome" I received was completely uncalled for. It would have been so much easier to not say anything, but LENS and his buddies decided that being assholes makes them better people.

2 - I know, fucknut, what's that got to do with it? I guess because cars appear in GTA that means they're not real, stuff in videogames is 100% make-believe, after all, ain't it?

3 - RIP


dunce. the point is, you made a dumbass request about fuckin a paint can harness and thats why LENs and his "buddies" verbally demolished your ass. GTA is based upon real life, only with cartoon like events and shit. getting up is just a fantasy, about hittin up shit that will never hapen and squabin it out with cops in fuckin halloween colered costumes.

RIP you punk bitch..

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This has been funny for a few days now.

Now its just kind of becoming annoying

Heres an idea... Stop being a bitch.

Theres been some asshats on this thread

but im beginning to think you take the crown

for being the biggest fucktard ever.

eat shit.

and check out bombingscience already

If I've already been convicted, I might as well commit the crime.


As for GTA being based on reality vs Getting Up being based on reality..

Both have some massive "creative liberties" in them. The fact that you're in such denial about this is pretty lame.


In Getting Up, posters are put up using wheat-paste. Markers are used to tag stuff.


Guess that's nothing like real life at all?


The point is, some elements of games are based on reality, some aren't. Saying "you're a dumbass" because I ask a question about a particular aspect that seems plausible makes you the dumbass. I didn't say "Would a harness like that hold all the colours used in the pieces in the game?" Now that would be a dumb question.



I'm quite willing to keep going because you've incited me to hold a grudge against y'all, it doesn't take much effort to keep going and it annoys the hell out of you. You were asshats to me, I'm just returning the favour.

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There's this little button that says "view post". I'm sure that 11K posts makes you feel better about how so many people ignore you in the real world.


Also, more gay insults! How awful! Could you be any less original?

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If I've already been convicted, I might as well commit the crime.


As for GTA being based on reality vs Getting Up being based on reality..

Both have some massive "creative liberties" in them. The fact that you're in such denial about this is pretty lame.


In Getting Up, posters are put up using wheat-paste. Markers are used to tag stuff.


Guess that's nothing like real life at all?


The point is, some elements of games are based on reality, some aren't. Saying "you're a dumbass" because I ask a question about a particular aspect that seems plausible makes you the dumbass. I didn't say "Would a harness like that hold all the colours used in the pieces in the game?" Now that would be a dumb question.



I'm quite willing to keep going because you've incited me to hold a grudge against y'all, it doesn't take much effort to keep going and it annoys the hell out of you. You were asshats to me, I'm just returning the favour.



fisrt off, i know about the exaggerated shit that goes on in both games ive played them to the fullest extent, im just sayin, hoppin from ladder across a damn alleyway isnt gonna happen, unless youre a damn circus acrobat. nor is doin a 2 fisted slam dunk on somebodys skull.

of course posters are put up wit wheat paste

and markers are used to tag.

thats the real aspet of the game

but thats not the point.


nobodys gonna walk around with a gay ass harness on their shoulders holding paint thats the easiest way to get exposed... so that makes you the " dumbass".

and your right, some elements in the game are based on reality and some arent.

i never said thats not true. i'm stating that shit in videogames should just be left in videogames.


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You asked a dumb question. Thats not even a huge deal. Someone not around long enough to understand can make this error. Some people discovered that you are... the way you are........ and called you out.

The fact that you butthurt makes you the homo.


I think you should sew yourself a little graf apron or what the fuck ever you seen on a video game. That sounds swell. I only wish i could see you on the street with that shit. I probably wouldnt laugh and take your paint and whatever else i could. I would let you keep your apron.

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Your double standards amaze me. What YOU decide is sensible and real is okay, but gods forbid anyone else even suggest you might be wrong.


As for all your "you're a homo" stuff.. It's not intimidating, it just makes you look like fucking children. Sexual preference isn't an insult, dumbass.

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i seen this stupid kid on the bus yesterday...

he was wearing a overly long ecko sweater with the huge graff print...

and on his rearside... it read... "graffiti saved my life"...

as i saw him get off the bus, and cross the street.. i secretly hoped he would get harassed by some pig.... or even get hit by a bus...


kids nowadays...

although he seemed around 20ish...


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I can't believe this is still going.


damn kid, you tell all of us to get a life but.....


....you keep coming back, and back and back to deliver these bullshit retorts, trying to make us feel bad by taking some sort of moral high ground.


If you were the better man, if you were the person with the high moral standards and intellectual superiority, you'd just dip out and never come back. You'd ignore us and just not give a fuck.


But you don't. You're just a little beef-a-roni eating bitch throwing rocks in a glass house


Why do i keep coming back? Because I know it gets you worked up. Because I love seeing you waste your energy trying to "beat" us. Not going to happen guy.



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I can't believe this is still going.


damn kid, you tell all of us to get a life but.....


....you keep coming back, and back and back to deliver these bullshit retorts, trying to make us feel bad by taking some sort of moral high ground.


If you were the better man, if you were the person with the high moral standards and intellectual superiority, you'd just dip out and never come back. You'd ignore us and just not give a fuck.


But you don't. You're just a little beef-a-roni eating bitch throwing rocks in a glass house


Why do i keep coming back? Because I know it gets you worked up. Because I love seeing you waste your energy trying to "beat" us. Not going to happen guy.



I enjoy pissing you off, perhaps?


If you're the "big man", why couldn't you hold off the insults in the first place? You're the one who started all this shit in the first place because instead of keeping your digital trap shut you felt the need to berate me.


I don't need to "beat" you, I just enjoy being a pain in the ass and making your forum experience that small bit less pleasant. Just following your example..

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