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dude! why don't you and "the pringles kid" just shove cans up your asses. they won't rattle,

you won't feel "out of your environment", and mark ecko probably does the same thing.



you all win!

First of all I have to tell you Casek is the dopest 'nom de plume' that I have ever ran across in my short and homosexual life. Second of all, I definitally do enjoy playing the game, 'Getting up'. It's actually the only relation I have to graffiti besides talking about it online.


Now that I have made an 8 Mile'esque statement.


Fuck you, it's a bitch when your the one of you and your boys that have been assigned the task of carrying 'the bag', and getting on the spot and having to sort out your paint. I mean, sure I'm never gonna take the time to cut some pringle boxes and make a convinient place to put my paint in my bag, but godammit, if I was worried about it, I think that it's a mighty fine idea.


Oh and as far as all this cans rattling talk, as if it has no effect on the sneaking sometimes involved in graffiti, well, then, you should probably stick to digging up goverment secrets on the most reliable database known to man.


The internet! Mark Ecko crew 2006-foreever peace out toys, King Hablamos! King of getitng up.

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First of all I have to tell you Casek is the dopest 'nom de plume' that I have ever ran across in my short and homosexual life. Second of all, I definitally do enjoy playing the game, 'Getting up'. It's actually the only relation I have to graffiti besides talking about it online.


Now that I have made an 8 Mile'esque statement.


Fuck you, it's a bitch when your the one of you and your boys that have been assigned the task of carrying 'the bag', and getting on the spot and having to sort out your paint. I mean, sure I'm never gonna take the time to cut some pringle boxes and make a convinient place to put my paint in my bag, but godammit, if I was worried about it, I think that it's a mighty fine idea.


Oh and as far as all this cans rattling talk, as if it has no effect on the sneaking sometimes involved in graffiti, well, then, you should probably stick to digging up goverment secrets on the most reliable database known to man.


The internet! Mark Ecko crew 2006-foreever peace out toys, King Hablamos! King of getitng up.





you're funny, and that is why you are alive........for now.




seriously...this isn't Channel Graffito....or Channel Ecko.



yeah, you got me. i used to carry the milkcrate to the yard and a few "behind the building" spots. but check it, i'm short, so the milkcrate actually did aid in some climbing.


carry on with your breathing and such.

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you're funny, and that is why you are alive........for now.




seriously...this isn't Channel Graffito....or Channel Ecko.



yeah, you got me. i used to carry the milkcrate to the yard and a few "behind the building" spots. but check it, i'm short, so the milkcrate actually did aid in some climbing.


carry on with your breathing and such.




i heart casek

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how about just black & white, no heavy lifting necesary


If you hide sandwiches inside of sandwiches...wouldnt you have a CLUB sandwich??


i see no problem with that.



but i think it depends on what kind.



if i had like a turkey bacon and ranch hidden inside a meatball grinder, i wouldn't call it a club sandwich, but i would eat the living hell out of it.



i think i'm going to start a restaurant.

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