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SCHOOL SHOOTINGS - 8 Or More Already...


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i read some fucking militant chirstians were going to demonstrate at the funerals of the amish kids that got killed by that pedofile nut but they were dissuaded by a radio presenter who promised them an hour of air time if thye didn't go.


Thats a really cool thing of him to do but it probably would have been even cooler if they did go and the bikies that were there to protect the amish funerals against the filthy hypocritical christians beat a bunch of them into comas

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Celebrity publicity is worthless for militant Christians so it must be to push an agenda and in this case it would be an extremist agenda, since the Amish still worship Jesus but won't raise arms for him and don't believe in infant baptism. That means that they're REALLY militant Christians and the idea of that in our country is still shocking to me.

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I hate that I'm linking FOX news but here you go...yes




PHELPS-ROPER: ... those children were killed at the hands of a raging mad God to punish those families, to punish the state of Pennsylvania, because you've got a governor in that state got on FOX News and lambasted us because we serve God.





Shirley Phelps-Roper, the daughter of church's pastor, told FOXNews.com the group canceled the protests in exchange for an hour of radio time Thursday on syndicated talk-show host Mike Gallagher's radio program.




...and you know what, I hate the hype that this thing brought. I grew up in PA and my Grandfather used to take me to farmers markets where the Amish were all over the place. They were such a simple, good, and relaxed group of people. Now they have cameras all over the place and it's unfair that in the end, this crazy guy not only kills these girls, but he ripped open an otherwise peaceful and shy community without a reason but our own cannibalistic interest.

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Ahhhhh, it all makes sense now. The "God Hates Fag" church are fucking nuts. I watched some interview with the guy that runs it and he's one of the creepiest motherfuckers on the planet, a real scumbag. The FOX interview is actually fucking hilarious the way Hannity just disrespects her, she deserves it x10 even though Hannity is a blowhard.



"They're insane," Rendell responded when asked about the group's statement.



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A little of topic, but did anyone see the Devil's Playground? It's a documentary about Amish teenagers who go crazy on drugs and shit. Seems every Amish kid goes independent at 16. They can get wild and come back to the community once they've had enough of the "English." Truly enlightening film.

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I don't see what you mean. Kids wore uniforms back then and kids wear regular clothes now. It depends on what school decides to enforce uniforms or dress codes.



Back then only private school kids wore uniforms. Public school kids just wore whatever they wanted. Like when we were in school we just dressed how we wanted. The idiots blamed the shootings at Columbine on goth kids wearing trenchcoats. Since then public schools now enforce uniforms. Do you get it now?:dunce:

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whats your idea of stepping up security?



He means handcuffing and sedating students. Maybe putting ankle bracelets on them so you know what they're up to at all times. That's the only way raise kids to be confident, self sufficient individuals. Right?

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He means handcuffing and sedating students. Maybe putting ankle bracelets on them so you know what they're up to at all times. That's the only way raise kids to be confident, self sufficient individuals. Right?


It's worked for you <----, without your ankle monitor you'd be out robbin' liquor stores instead of entertaining us with your superior intellect.

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Back then only private school kids wore uniforms. Public school kids just wore whatever they wanted. Like when we were in school we just dressed how we wanted. The idiots blamed the shootings at Columbine on goth kids wearing trenchcoats. Since then public schools now enforce uniforms. Do you get it now?:dunce:




There were dress codes in public schools for a long, long time. Some have still kept them, some have not. Others have re-instated them. Many of them have re-instated dress codes for reasons unrelated to Columbine.

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