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Ahmadinejad challenges Bush to a uncensored debate.


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Pretty sure the majority of you may have seen this already. I just think its funny, that Bush would never agree to something like this, and in the extremly small chance he would, althought it would say uncensored, it deffinatly would be edited.


I'm 100% positive that Ahmadinejad would pretty much destroy this man's image on live television. Man oh man would that be a lovely day.

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"The debate should be uncensored in order for the American people to be able to listen to what we say and they should not restrict the American people from hearing the truth."


Thats also a direct quote from the article, when world leaders have to say things like this it just makes me scratch my head and laugh.



If you don't understand why, I'm sorry. :o

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Im not so sure, Ahmadinejad did not directly answer any questions on that 60 minutes interview and was getting pretty frustrated when Mike Wallace gently pushed him to actually answer. And Bush would likely need an ear piece if they wanted to do it without pause to get translations, so he could be fed answers. Its not gonna be too hard to point out the hypocrisy of Ahmadinejad talking about US censorship or people in US prisons, I would say go for it if this wasn’t another step to make the US look like the only nation opposed to their nuclear program and take the UN out of it.

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Im not so sure, Ahmadinejad did not directly answer any questions on that 60 minutes interview and was getting pretty frustrated when Mike Wallace gently pushed him to actually answer. And Bush would likely need an ear piece if they wanted to do it without pause to get translations, so he could be fed answers. Its not gonna be too hard to point out the hypocrisy of Ahmadinejad talking about US censorship or people in US prisons, I would say go for it if this wasn’t another step to make the US look like the only nation opposed to their nuclear program and take the UN out of it.


From what I heard of it, Mike Wallace basically gave Mahmoud a fluff job. Said things like, "You look great." I would definetly pay to see a Ahmedinijad vs. Bush interview, or even better, drunken chess boxing.

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youd best believe live, uncensored, unscripted political debates happen in australia come election season



i guess with all my years of being American, ive become cynical. i cannot imagine an actual unscripted or uncensored debate happening. you can bet all your money they dont take place here.

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Yeah, they don't take place here, except in lower offices.


Ahmedinijad knew that G Dubya would never agree, he's just showboating, because Iran is now a regional power. I don't think either of these guys is capable of having a debate, because in a debate you listen, answer questions, and argue points, these guys just rail away at imaginary evils, and stir up nationalist sentiments.

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Hardy har har, it was a fluff job. Wallace spent a good 5 minutes complimenting Ahmadinejad (the man does know how to wear a wind breaker though.) That’s why it was funny to see him get frustrated. The questions Wallace did ask about the nuclear program, support of the Iraqi insurgency, etc was answered with long diatribes on why Israel should be relocated to Alaska, the faking of the holocaust, and American aggression. Wallace asked him to elaborate or answer a question, gently, maybe twice, and Ahmadinejad would either laugh maniacally or shoot back with “why are you so angry!” But in all fairness, good ole Mahmoud isn’t use to that type of dissent. Wallace would probably be publicly hung if he was Iranian.


i dont know... in other counties people have to be smart to be president


Yeah, Ahmadinejad/the ayatollah who has final say over everything were both Rhodes Scholars before the revolution.

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^Ha ha....yeah, that would be some shit.


Thing is, I would trust Bin Laden more than I trust Cheney on one level...since Bin Laden has publicly admitted that he wants to destroy the US. Cheney is being sneaky about it and lying to cover his ass, so what's the difference, really? Both are means to the same end.


At least I know where I stand with Bin Laden. I don't like it, but it's better than being lied to.

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