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have you ever tried to drink paint?


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Re: have you ever tried to paint drunk ?


if you dont get drunk and bomb i think thats weak...all reads heads know you need to be drunk to bomb ill...if you get caught up cause your drunk.. you are a flake.....ill drink a fuckin 30 pack of old style with a freind of two and start doing streett fills if cops come i run and get away not get caught.

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Re: have you ever tried to paint drunk ?


lets be clear on something

sometime in the near future

i will eat you, everyone you love and probably all the food in your house

i will proceed to regurgitate you, stamp on your head and call my friend

to come and give me a bit of help when im tired...

my friend happens to be the offspring of chuck norris and a ninja

he WILL fuck you up

and then skullfuck you


on newyears 2005 I tagged the back window with my trusty pilot when I was under the influence of jack daniels. lets put it this way Ive never added more arrows in my life to sumthing than i did in this tag. i looked like this sorta v






if you dont get drunk and bomb i think thats weak...all reads heads know you need to be drunk to bomb ill...if you get caught up cause your drunk.. you are a flake.....ill drink a fuckin 30 pack of old style with a freind of two and start doing streett fills if cops come i run and get away not get caught.


if alchohol was illegal and weed was legal, then there would be less graffiti and more art fags


just for the dutch courage. but not sloppy drunk. just to get limber.



multi quoting you weak stupid bitches.


you are dumbfucks if i ever knew any

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Re: have you ever tried to paint drunk ?


i went bombing drunk last night (dumbass) and im not even talking DRUNk im talking full out i-dont-care-about-my-work enough to have the decency to know what i was doing.... i went into this alley from the main street... like in between two buildings and started hitting a wall then this lady came over and was looking at me and i waqs just covering my face with my arm.... i totally thought i was fucked because she kept standing there like 3 feet away from me. my friend made me leave but i came back like 2 seconds later and finished. my point is (as i usually have one) cover your face with your arm and it doesnt matter really...if ur drunk enough.


AS for bombing naked we all know that real bombers do it naked

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