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Hackers, cyberpunks, and technophilosophy


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yeah... goddamn.



i swoon every time i think about traveling at mach three or higher at 80,000 feet above the ground.



just think about what the aurora can do.


i swoon when i see those smoke rings it leaves from its bad ass (bad motherfucking ass) pulse jet.



it's like being a redneck for things that are actually cool (instead of big tires and kc lights)

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Dude, I know it's old, I follow this stuff closely as well. Some dudes even have mind-controlled hardware on Second Life.


The point is, it's gonna be on toys now. All scary technology eventually trickles down to the consumer.



Yeah, it's nuts. Imagine our kids, they will grow up with mind-controlled toys being the norm.


Aside from military technology, it has also been used in the medical industry for those who have been paralyzed, in order for them to communicate through computers. The was some hour-long special on The Science Channel last year that talked a lot about that. There was another kid who I think fell off a roof or got into a car wreck cause he was drunk, and is now brain-damaged, and this scientist developed a synthesizer that the kid can use with his mind. I wouldn't be surprised if in ten to fifteen years we will be able to experience true VR, jacking an implant into cyberspace.

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  • 1 year later...
Well, the 'officials' think the public is too stupid, or doesn't care. They think 'nerds' just play computer games and watch porn, and hack for fun.... Which is not too far from the truth... Bit I like to believe that there are people out there who are capable of nearly anything once through a firewall or whatever.


If I could talk to all hackers at once, I'd say 'Hack the governments computers to pieces, and re-take control.'


There's a lot of documents on computers which need to be viewed... always is. But, most of them are available these days, through national archives and whatnot... It's jut the time and effort to physically go through 100'ds of boxes to find that one paragraph which changes a whole situation.


Like this guy, he sifted:

(From Martial law)


Oh man hahaha what are you , 12 years old?

Look out, here comes the neuromancer!

He's gonna hack your Gibson!

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