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Time for Another Uncomfortable Question....


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It would have to be a substantial amount of money; lots of $100s type-action for me to touch a dead body.


And a decapitated body probably would freak me out.


If it were drugs i definitely would take it. Then I wouldnt feel bad where it came from.


So yes, in theory, i would steal the stuff.

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If it was diamond studded with spinners I would.


or a Rolex, I'd take that too.


I'd have to sell it. Theres just something creepy about wearing a dead mans stolen watch.

but nothing wrong with spending the money you made from slanging that ish.

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Guest nutsonmychin!

I know someone that took a ring of a dead brother in West Oakland. my friends were sleeping in the back of a car when he got shot. he ran up to the car and said, help me. then they heard shots and he fell.


out friends inside came out, and the guy took the ring. he said, if he didnt, the cops would.


i thought it was fucking wrong.


but, thats me. i think about how i'd feel if it was my fam. thats as far as possesions go. but i would prob take the cash.


but, maybe not. im scared of ghosts.

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Why not rape em too? dead people are so damn pussy you gotta take from them.


oh and black people love girly drinks because who's going to tell them it's not manly? not any of you. they don't have to prove anything to some stupid white guy drinking whiskey straight from the bottle trying to impress rocker chicks. they will beat you up and put their dicks in your white girlfriends asshole with the quickness. BUT black dudes will never drink something no matter how fruity and delicious it is if it's called something like a "fuzzy navel."

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oh and black people love girly drinks because who's going to tell them it's not manly? not any of you. they don't have to prove anything to some stupid white guy drinking whiskey straight from the bottle trying to impress rocker chicks. they will beat you up and put their dicks in your white girlfriends asshole with the quickness. BUT black dudes will never drink something no matter how fruity and delicious it is if it's called something like a "fuzzy navel."






i always just figured it was growing up on all that grape soda and shit.



i'll drink girly drinks. better than beer. i usually stick to shots and food and water though. minimal hangover, minimal beer shits.

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