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it seems like israels too hard of a place to paint tho. correct me if im wrong but its not as easy to paint in the U.S. then over there cuz everyones on high alert and mad historical spots. is it easy to paint there? meaning like are they a lot of chill spots? it kinda reminds me of japan and around where i live cuz japans mad old and got acient historical spots so. my girls israeli and im thinkin of headin over there some day.


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This thread was interesting until ya'll started talking about politics.


Fuck that shit.


Why isn't there someone in all the American threads blaming America for all the harm they are doing? Politics are dirty, point blank, and it doesn't matter who's right or wrong, all that matters is that the guy with the most money wins because he can buy the biggest guns. Graffiti is a way to undermine the system, so let's get back to the graff motherfuckers.

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Ah, so this is where we showoff to the goys and protect our zionist empire



"Goy" is short for goyum. It's a derrogatory term for anybody that is not a Jew. It basically means that if you are not a Jew you are scum, beneath the jews, and should be slaves of the Jews..."goyum".

Jews refer to each and every gentile (non Jew) as goyum... or goy. And they honestly beleive that they are superior but know better than to admit it outside of their circle. But ^this^ Jew above sliped and said "goy" in front of all of us.

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smash the zionist state and their lies. i ask you whos lobbing shells at civilians? whos army invades and occupies every other state in the area? you should stop reading the medias lies and actualy take a look for your self whats realy going on. my uncle chuck lives in Ramallah and is neither jew nor Muslim. he gives me the facts. the israilis are wrong.


True fucking story!

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