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i dont know why you guys think your opinions matter, you have...like...almost no posts. come back and talk to me when you have senior member status.






i agreed with up untill this..^ but unless you bring your computer painting or even outside for that matter, more post equals more time in your house and that doesnt make you seem any more in the know then the next man ,naw what i mean

but anyway i perfer Serk from CT.:eek:

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i agreed with up untill this..^ but unless you bring your computer painting or even outside for that matter, more post equals more time in your house and that doesnt make you seem any more in the know then the next man ,naw what i mean

but anyway i perfer Serk from CT.:eek:


dude if you cant detect any hint of sarcasm there you.......uh.....um.....something

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Just to clear up the confusion, the Serk from CT that everyone is talking about is the original Serk TNC who was painting there in the 90s...


Not the Serk from AZ that just moved to CT.


But hey man, you tried.

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The only thing I can see where your coming from is the first one and totem. I do see a strong totem influence in it.


The rest, I don't see it. And kem? where does he fit into the equation? Kem has nothing at all to do with any "west coast" style whatsoever. And since we're on the topic, do you think those guy's all have there "own" styles?


I don't know why I'm wasting my time writing all of this, but it bother's me to see people jump down peoples shit after seeing 10 flicks of there work.


All of those guys you mentioned are influenced from other writers as well - 7th letter? How similar are a lot of those guys styles? very. Not saying any of them are bad, I like most of the stuff they produce - but everyone is influenced by other people.


To come on here and drop names of 7-8 writers wrapped up is this guy is rediculous, you could say that about anyone. This is 2006, not 1975 where all of the thousands and thousands of writers are going to have a completely un-influenced, original style. My shit is definately influenced by a lot of writers, most of them local writers, but a few international ones as well, and I'm sure your's is too. No one's reinventing the wheel here.


If you look hard enough at anyone's pieces you could find something that resembles another writer. For people that are actually out there painting, I don't think that's really there intent to be doing that, instead they are out there painting because they love to do it. For people sitting behind a computer screen thinkin they're some graffiti dictionary, that's another story...



couldn't have said it better myself.

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Saying noones style is original these days is a cop out. Obviously the dude borrows heavily and if that's how he wants to get by these days then that's awesome.


Not saying he's not talented, he is, he can paint. His style has nothing to do with the westcoast style, but the dudes he does bite from are all seventh letter cats. I mean just cause you know the guy doesn't mean you have to act like he's not biting. Everyone bites, he's just doing it really really really blantently.



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i got a question, why make a thread just to talk shit about someone?

and another thing hasnt just about every style and technique been done before?

just because one person does a technique and another person does something similar doesnt make it biting.

its funny why dont u guys go paint instead of hateing on serk


ps i know my opinion doesnt count because i dont spend my whole life on this site:scrambled:

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Serk is straight dope. Both Serks are straight dope. Serk WGS has been painting a long time and, as far as I know, was never aware of the Serk from CT. Neither dudes are stamp lickers, and neither of them are biters. What a crazy concept that a 4 letter name might be painted by two guys 3000+ miles apart, huh?


I see a sick-ass west coast funk in Serk's work, but I don't see any particular writer he's stealing from. Any current writer painting hard in 2006 is a fool if they say they don't get influence from the enormous amount of graff-related media available.


All those pieces that Seeking called out? I don't see that shit at all. I see west coast flavor put through the Serk filter.


Fuck all this shit. You make a fool out of yourself calling a dope writer out on his style when we're all guilty of the same thing.

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  • 2 months later...


All those pieces that Seeking called out? I don't see that shit at all. I see west coast flavor put through the Serk filter.


Fuck all this shit. You make a fool out of yourself calling a dope writer out on his style when we're all guilty of the same thing.


Theres a difference though between influence and straight biting, i personally dont see any direct biting in this guys work but the influence is there....props serk.

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