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silencing cans


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I was just thinking about this - if cans fit in a pringles tubes, grab a few pringles tubes, cut them in half and stick a sock or some other padding through each, glue the halves together in a six-pack arrangement or similar.





Then you'd have an easy way of keeping cans spaced out in your bag so they don't rattle together and chunky gut from eating all those pringles.

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this is one of the worst goddamn ideas I have ever heard.


"Yeah officer, i was just walking around the yards/street with 5 cannisters of pringles in my bag at 2 am"



real smart douchebag, did a good job of planning that one out

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Yeah, I'm stubborn. I don't back down to asshats who expect me to shut my mouth because they say so. Not unless they're the one with the pipewrench in the alley.


I think about alternative ways of doing things, sometimes I come up with things that work really well, sometimes not. However, regardless, when I'm working on them there's always some fuckhead saying "ur so stupid!!!" and telling me how I'm wasting my time.


You think it's a dumb idea? Fuck you then, if you've not got anything either helpful or funny to say, don't waste your time, because I'm not listening.

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why bother OTD?

if you get stopped you think that they're gonna say

"oh wait, my mistake. you were just on the way home from the shops at 3 in the morning with a bag full of pringles"

its stupid...

they wont disguise your paint, and if thats to minimize noise, a towel in between the paint works just as well and doesnt require an effort whatsoever


now shut it with your dickbrained ideas

harnesses etc

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i know how u can bomb those trucks with out makin noise or wakin them up..paint brushes! i dont see why not its still graffiti...or you just go covert ops up in that bitch...there is no way in hell that little pssh sound is gunna wake up those truckers...they drive all day there tired as fuckin there all sleepin like logs...and those fatasses wont be able to catch u either...


their fatasss may not catch u but I gurantee that the bullet from the gun they keep in the cab of their truck will

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What is this world you kids live in where you're walking around with 5 cans of WD-40 or deoderant and you don't look suspicious?


Here's the old school knowledge, straight from the vaults so you all know once and for all.


What we did in the old days was to put the paint into....

































wait for it...











































Then we just tried not to get caught. Didn't work ALL the time, but pretty much all the time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You could always just tell your parents your into graff but you only do it legally.


I don't even have to tell my parents that THEY LET ME DO IT! infact, my dad just bought me 109 Montana Cans last week.


All they say to me about graffiti is "If you get caught, I'm not bailing you out"

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my dad just bought me 109 Montana Cans last week

Go to a car-auto shop, go and get "Engine Paint" the fucker cost 6$ but the thing paints unbelievable

why the fuck would you worry about buying 6 dollar paint when your dad bought you 109 montana tins?????

post the stock, until then, i'm calling bullshit

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