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bush, when asked about september 11th



smug motherfucker.


deer caught in the headlights. Bush is NOT stupid like some would like you to believe. he is however, a terrible liar; Clinton definitely had that down to an artform.


lord casek rocks the fucking cassbaugh. my first taste of what i call "deep politics" (or how shit REALLY works) was the book Behold A Pale Horse by William Cooper. ive never been the same since. i want to add so much to this thread. i will most likely put together a more comprehensive post in the next few days with additional information cause this stuff is vitaly important. for now i have a few recommendations for reading/viewing if anyone is interested. just a bit of what ive come across. some im sure youve already checked out.


Fotunate Son

by JH Hatfield


Rule By Secrecy

by Jim Marrs


... And The Truth Shall Set You Free

by David Icke


IBM & the Holocaust

by Edwin Black



by Ron Chernow


A People's History of the United States

by Howard Zinn


anything by Chomsky of course, he breaks it down so clearly;

Robert Anton Wilson has a few good ones out there (my favorite is The Illuminatus! Trilogy);

Gore Vidal is a good voice of dissent as well.


i also watched the documentary The Corporation not too long ago which i thought was well done. explained in good detail how corporations are considered to be a 'person' under law and how they abuse the holy fuck out of the power they weild.


i have to stop here or i wont stop. more later. good day.

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good stuff iron_lung.


bush is definitely not as dumb as even he would lead us to believe.

however, he is a puppet to corporate govt. i.e.: rumsfeld, cheney, etc etc.

these people don't follow govt positions for this long.


i used to be exclusive about hating republicans. until i started listening to alex jones

texe marrs, etc. (i do listen to jeff rense, but that's strictly entertainment. he's still a very intelligent guy, regardless of his beliefs and guests)


since i started listening to jones, i've felt compelled to research what he was saying.

he's kinda cool that way. i wanted to disprove him as a loon. i so wanted to.


then i started reading and finding out more and more. reading the govt's own documents,

listening when they get on tv and say shit...and ya know what? i couldn't disprove anythign jones says. not a damn thing. i failed in that, but i succeeded in gaining some important knowledge. i got politically involved. i call senators, i write officials. i vote. i try to educate people. try to help people believe that this place belongs to us by birth right. not these powermongers. unfortunately, it's our fault they're there. too many people believe that if they are a republican, they vote rpeublican no matter who it is. or if they're a democrat, they vote democrat, not matter who it is. that's not how it works.


back in the 50's people knew who they were voting for. they were informed, each and every one. since then it's been declining. the powermongers had that in mind. and it worked.


keep posting iron_lung. it's encouraging to see someone else who cares enough to research. i highly doubt you're a conspiracy theorist. that makes it all the better.

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as far as corporations being treated as a person....


you can thank the good ol 14th amendment for that. besides being arguably fradulently ratified, it has been used to warp twist and manipulate things that arent found in the constitution. if they only would of worded it "free blacks have rights of other citizens in the US" it would of been fine. but when the south was under martial law, and mostly against the wording of the amendment, they got shit. race card blah blah blah. its funny though, cause they ratified the 13th no problem.


atleast the left can finally start to realize that the 14th needs to be "updated"

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oh man, you threw edwin black, chomsky and zinn in with icke. the former writers are respected because the analysis they provide is based on real, comprehensive and corroborated research of facts....like...they actually have large reputations for their research methods. the latter though....believes lizard people rule earth. and bill cooper.....believes ufo's live under our oceans and fly around at will. oh but wait, cooper found a manifesto from the secret gov't that just happened to be left in a thrift store printer.

fortunate son is a good book though. and on the periphery of that, sander hicks is also a guy i don't mind reading. but anyhow..

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icke is smart, don't get that wrong...but yeah, he does believe in lizard people. ever thought of that as a sort of metaphor? not for jews, as some would have you believe, but yeah.


cooper wrote a good book. it was just that. he belived in our rights. he should be looked at as another smart individual..

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some quotes:





"Some even believe we (the Rockefeller family) are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure---one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."


--David Rockefeller, Memoirs, page 405





"Once the ruling members of the CFR have decided that the U.S. government should adopt a particular policy, the very substantial research facilities of the CFR are put to work to develop arguments, intellectual and emotional, to support the new policy, and to confound and discredit, intellectually and politically, any opposition."


"In my view the Trilateral commission represents a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power--political, monetary, intellectual, and ecclesiastical. All this is to be done in the interest of creation a more peaceful, more productive world community. What the Trilateralists truly intend is the creation of a worldwide economic power superior to the political governments of the nation-states involved. They believe the abundant materialism they propose to create will overwhelm existing differences. As managers and creators of the system they will rule the future."


---Barry Goldwater, With No Apologies



"We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order."


---David Rockefeller




"NAFTA is a major stepping stone to the New World Order."


---Henry Kissinger, campaigning for the passage of NAFTA












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as far as corporations being treated as a person....


you can thank the good ol 14th amendment for that. besides being arguably fradulently ratified, it has been used to warp twist and manipulate things that arent found in the constitution. if they only would of worded it "free blacks have rights of other citizens in the US" it would of been fine. but when the south was under martial law, and mostly against the wording of the amendment, they got shit. race card blah blah blah. its funny though, cause they ratified the 13th no problem.


atleast the left can finally start to realize that the 14th needs to be "updated"



a friend of mine wrote an awesome paper on this recently. not so much the 14th ammendment but corporations as people.


i had a fairly good rebuttal to him, just playin devils advocate... ill have to remember what it was all about.



im at work, so ill post more when i get home




casek-ive got some interesting stuff for you about rockefeller. I recently was at rockefeller center and some of the intrinsic messages within the architecture is astounding.

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The Masonic Temple and Scottish Rite Cathedral is significant as an example of the work of Raymond M. Hood (1881-1934), a prominent architect of the 1920s and early 1930s, and as a unique example of Neo-Gothic architecture in Scranton. Raymond Hood's productive career spanned from 1922, when he and a collaborator won the Chicago Tribune design competition, to his untimely death at 53 in 1934. Hood became a nationally prominent architect trained in the Beaux Arts tradition and proficient with historic styles. During those 12 years, Hood was the principle designer or primary collaborator in a number of high-profile progressive skyscraper designs, mainly in New York City, where he designed the Daily News Building and the McGraw-Hill Building in mid-town Manhattan, and was part of the team that designed Rockefeller Center. The Masonic Temple and Scottish Rite Cathedral is located on North Washington Avenue in downtown Scranton. The 1930 temple-cathedral is a highly stylized Neo-Gothic and Romanesque pastiche executed by Hood. The design of the building was to be a monument to Masonry. Masonic lodges in Scranton for years felt the need for a suitable home or temple, and prior to the construction of this building they used an old armory. Bids for construction were taken in January, 1927. The Masonic Temple and Scottish Rite Cathedral was inaugurated on January 2, 1930 when the first meeting was held in the building. The rectangular plan building is clad in coursed ashlar Indiana limestone supported by a structural steel framework. The front (west) facade is divided into three sections: the central and southern sections consist of five stories and the northern section consists of three stories. The temple-cathedral includes an auditorium and ballroom that are available to the Scranton community for various functions. The Center hosts a number of artists and programs, from local to international, as well as Arts in Education courses for all ages. Regular performances include The Broadway Theater of Northeast PA, Scranton Community Concerts, the Northeast Philharmonic and the resident theater company, TNT.


The Masonic Temple and Scottish Rite Cathedral is located on 416-420 North Washington Ave. in Scranton. People interested in touring the Masonic Temple can join "A Day at the Cultural Center" which includes various activities and the tour. There is a fee. Visit the Center's website or call 570-346-7369 ext. 102 for further information.



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here are some of my thoughts on rockefeller center. My mom, stepdad and I were there not to long ago, and he and I had some very good conversations about all the masonic imagery. He is a political science professor who uses a lot of his free time to learn bout the masons and whatnot. It was pretty cool him pointing out the things even I missed.


To start out:




this is the front facade of the doorway facing the plaza itself. Notice the immediate portrayal of the greek or roman figure head. I think this specifically shows the very secular take of masonic imagery. The strength of man in comparison to "the gods." Even more so, the fact that the zeus like figure is holding a compass again levels the creation of building to that of the creation capable by the gods. This comparison will be seen again.


One notable statement that can be pulled from this image is the placement of the relief. That it is at the bottom of a giant building is very telling. Even in the homage given to beliefs of overlords and gods is placed second to the ability of man. The buildings dramatic upward presence can be viewed as an expression the want and constitution of man to be on the same level of the gods. That the building starts with an image that amounts to the equality of man's ability to build and use tools, to the ability of god's to create at will, and then progresses up beyond that physically by mere application of the human mind, eg the construction of the building, is a very very striking idea indeed.


Also note the common focus on the use of hands in the images. Again I take it as a sign of the prominence of man.


The specific style of relief used for the decoration is also reminescent of specific era's in human history in which the ingenuity of man helped advanced society further than it had ever gone. eg, Greek and Roman influences. The very strong and bold lines also imply a sense of exactness whithin which the tools created by man are used to create.


Some examples of such bold characteristics in styling:






etc. this type of styling can be found all throughout the area near to the center. On many of the churches there are visual and symbolic referrences to the masons if not directly linked to them.



to move on


Specifically of interest is the thematic centerpiece of the center, that being the statue of Prometheus. Whom, in mythology, is essentially the provacateur of all that man has accomplished. According to such lore, he was the titan who first gave man fire, and in such gave us the means to do anything:




The inscription above the sculpture reads about Prometheus that he "brought the fire that hath proved to mortals a means to mighty ends." Again affirming the belief that men are capable of anything in so much as we can bend nature to our will. Ironically enough, in the orbiting strip around prometheus is the reliefs of all of the zodiac signs and their corresponding constellations. I take this as an expression of the connection between man and the heavens. While still maintaining that man is the end all of the world, they still recognize the intrinsic connection of this world to the heavens which contain it.


There are several qoutes of rockefeller that are at the oppositte side of the plaza that I haven't been able to find. Essentially they state pretty much what I have been saying. Rockefeller felt that we as humans have a responsibility to the world, and that we can accomplish anything we set our minds to.


Another interesting connection that comes to mind is the refference between the greek and roman symbolism and the concept of the ideal man. While the proportions used in the contemporary works merely suggest the ideals contained within greek and roman art, it still brings to mind the very fundamental and so appropriately relevant concept of the ideal man. If rockefeller is convinced of the infallibility of man, then the images he chooses to reflect such things will also reflect that. Its all so tied to this concept of the ability of man to do anything.



There is a lot more that I think I could write on, but I need to do a bit more research and find some better pictures. I'll try and post a couple more of the surrounding architecture and art just to give a better sense of the totality and proliferation of this type of imagery throughout the entire area.


I hope yall find this interesting.




This expression of atlas, whom was also a titan, can be viewed as Rockefeller's perception that man is the sole and denizen of earth, and that its fate is dependent upon us rather than any outside force, eg gods.




commenting specifically on this: I find there to be a small referrence to egyptian art in this set of reliefs right here. The placement of the bodies and the use of divided space suggests the structure and intent of many of the reliefs used in tombs and other such things. Again referrencing a time of great human innovation in not only science and technology, but specifically the ability to build. The pyramids are still recognized as one of the largest engeneering accomplishments in human history. What is also interesting is the lack of expression towards any other culture whom has just as important structures, eg latin america.


I find the image of the clock as the sun rather interesting as well. Almost to suggest that by science we can harness the heavens to provide us with practical things, such as time.




This is a picture of the main building at the center, Radio City. I include this picture to give a sense of the prominence and scale of accomplishment it was to build this structure. Look at its size in comparison to the buildings around it at the time.




thats all i got for now. take this analysis for what its worth, if anyone has anything to add or criticize on my part, be my guest.



ps. i just spent fifteen minutes correcting broken image links. good lord. ill do more later when i have time.

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its a very odd mix. the use of the ship in the same section of the bodies below. sorta throws me off.



just so i dont seem like some rediculous hack though. i have taken many art classes and continue on my own to stay up in artistic theory and history. or at least i try.



i figured some sense of credibility was needed for as much personal opinion i put into that earlier.

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you know. now that im stoned, and i look at it a little bit longer, i think i got it. if you look at it, and keep in mind the progression you noted, its a timeline.



its all tied to the clock at the top. look at the difference and change in the architecture expressed in the different sections. then you have the passage of a ship, (the founding of america), and then below that is an expression of industrialization, to the left of the center focus. and then at the very bottom the themes of the pheonix (transcendence, possibly in regards to power), and then the lion, a commonly used symbol in many cultures for power or prominence.



done. yay drugs.

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haha. good observation. i was thinking about the timeline, too.

phoneix, remembermeans rebirth. so, rebirth of power?

rebirth of the ruling class? i could be completely misconstruing



but look on the bottom. you've got kings. roman, greek, phonecian,

and perhaps old world (israel?). a lion on one side, a phoenix on the other.


above you have a castle on the right and an industrial port on the other.

old and new. the ship is sailing from the castle to the industrial port(?)


old rulers to new rulers. transferring kings?


one level up you have the castle on the left and the new bigger better castle on the right.

the people in the middle seem to be the artisans, still dressed in classic

garb. there's one carrying a vesel of some sort. one has a triangle, and the other



above that you haev a forest on right, and a field (mountain range?) (?) on left with a human relaxing. god like state? the final place for humans? then the heavens above with the sun radiating

and keeping time. radiating knowledge? hmm. i dunno. i'm not stoned, but i play one on tv.

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ok, here is what i came up with. very rudimentary. i avoided actually identifying origins of the art, i think it can work outside of it. check this out. its pretty cool though. i start the timeline at the with the clock itself as the inception point.


1. Beginning of Time, represented by sun


2. Heavens which contain the sun


3. The Transfer of creation unto the sun, via sun rays


4. Heavens which contain the sun


5. Early Earth


6. Beginnings of Man, the moment at which man appeared on earth


7. Early Man's Cohabitation with Nature, expression of relationship with the moon and

lunar calendars, and also historical context in terms of nature and the moon as an

entity in a close relationship with the earth


8. Beginnings of Civilization, Specific design in architecture reflects on part of the earth


9. Beginnings of Civilization, By having opposing forms representing the same concept they

can elucidate the global nature of those beginnings, eg different styles in architecture

between the two forms


10. Industrialization coupled with Pheonix, Represents the transcendence of man being

reliant to nature. Also shows the actual mechanism through which we can bend nature

and its resources to our whimsy, eg manufacturing and industry.


11. Early men with ship, Ship could express and probably does any or all of these concepts:

trade, commerce, cultural sharing and appropriation, exploration, man's further

conquest of the world, the founding of america. I think that at the very least there is

meaning in its relation to the founding of America. As this is the stage for the masons.

Early men represent different forms and periods of man's ingenuity. By using the

different forms you discussed in terms of location and period and also the tools

pertaining to such, it gives a very clear example of man's ability to adapt and change

along with their traveling and curious nature.


12. Complex architecture coupled with lion. Simply a sign of man's ability to build and

construct things. That it is with the lion shows that this concept should be seen as a

position of power in the world, and obviously in the larger scale of existence



bah... good way to spend a high.

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they hired an academic as a consultant specifically for the purpose of planning a theme glorifying human acheivement. how is any this a big deal? and what would be the purpose in 'masonic' art? just to tantalize the conspiracy theorist?

not trying to contradict the 'they' stuff, because i'm enormously ignorant on the subject...

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masons like flaunting their secrecy.

if you can call it that, since they flaunt it.


masonic art is all over. the dollar bill, the layout of washington d.c.,

television commercials, corporate logos, etc. etc.


a very strange bunch, they are.


watch this 43 minute film. it's an alex jones documentary

"the order of death"

he does a good job of explaining alot of things.

far better than i could


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but what makes the art deco of the ge building masonic?

i'm going to watch that video, but i have to say i'm very skepitcal of anything this guy says.

i always find myself getting interested in this subject, but ultimately stop looking into it because i feel like i'm wasting my time. i'm wondering how deep into it you were before you were convinced... how much skepiticism do you exercise? how much time do you spend checking facts and looking for evidence contrary to theories' assertions?

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i told this story a page or so back, i'll tell it again to save you some searching.


a while back i used to hate republicans. i just hated them because of bush. because

i saw lie after lie in this administration. no one was doing anything about it.

then i started hating this country. because i had no one really to blame for what

i saw. i wanted to leave. just abandon everything in hopes that somewhere else would

be "better".


i had heard alex jones before, and i was pretty skeptical. what he was saying seemed kooky, to be honest. seemed like some kinda conspiracy theorist b/s.

then i saw marshall law: rise of the police state. i was taken aback. his information seemed

ok. so i started checking. i really wanted to prove this guy wrong. i wanted there to be a hole in his theory. i couldn't find one. i kept searching. still no hole.


i started to wake up. it's not the republicans, it's not the democrats. those parties are long gone. it's not even this country. i was like "holy hell!" then i started reading about mena arkansas, the govt docs about marshall law, their experiments, their plans...shit, dude, iw as overwhelmed for a long time. depressed, too.


then i saw this rebroadcast of alex talking about septemeber 11th in july of '01. wtf? he made a claim that there was going to be a terrorist attack adn the govt was going to blame it on bin laden. wtf? nuh uh. yeah. seriously. he said it would be an inside job. a good three months before it happened. he even urged people to call the whitehouse and let bush know that if they did this, we knew who it was. that wasn't long after sept 11th that i saw that show.

it still took me a good couple fo years to completely wake up to the fact that our govt is involved in some wild shit. bohemian grove is a great example of world leaders engaging

in occult worship. it also explains why there is so much occult symbolism in architecture. they believe in it.....it "gives them power". see, even if we don't believe in it, they do.


right now, i feel completely awake. i'm aware of what's going. i'm aware that our leaders are trying to pull the wool over our collective eyes. selling out the country, imposing weird vaccines, rfid implants, dumbing us down with poison in our water, television "programming" (they don't all it that for no reason).


my advice to you and anyone else, even if you don't like jones, listen to a show or two.

http://www.gcnlive.com/samplalex.htm find out if what he's saying is true. if you don't like him after that, cool. but keep reading. keep figuring it out. do something. if a bill comes up that you don't agree with, call your senator, rep, etc.


i still try to remain observant in what people say. if i have questions, i google it. or news.google.com it. you'd be surprised how much they let out into the press, write about on their websites, in their books, etc etc.


hope that helped explain some of what got me interested in taking a stand and educating myself and others. i'm open to questions. i'll try my best to answer and provide you with plenty of links so you can follow up on it. rarely will i post anything that seems like b/s conspiracy theory sites. i'll elt you know if it is.



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