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So the future i think has finally arrived, hek i just got a computer for the first time. However as i see it: as much as we "bombers" try to control the streets, we have no control over the power of the gov't or those who could care less about GRAFF... the rich or somewhat, the yuppies... and all the others who ignore our subculture and stare awkwardly at each other on the train ride home. We're seen as criminals to some or many, many of those mentioned above are ignorant to graffiti and therefore any little thing that might be seen would be regarded as childish destruction of property and therefore there opinion on our acts is that we should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. There are rules to this game that many or all should be aware of such as not "hitting" private property, cars, graves or churches... yet many get offended, angered and bothered when they see a local scribble or such on an abandoned building, rooftop, billboard, the local train station... or any other surface that might be of little or no use and not being theirs... they prefer corporate propaganda as it is not a threat and prefer to spend money on the companys for more and more advertisements to start an awkward conversation with the person sitting next to them, Maybe?. Afterall creativity is what gets you a good job and therefore security in self and in the future. but yet what we do is not creative rather disgusting, and seen as the start of urban decay... Real artists keep it in the gallery where it belongs.. and real artists dont destroy other peoples property... Whatever!!, we as graff writers stand for one cause alone: to destroy/beautify the city(s) using our creativity, are passion for the game, no longer the fame. and our unique talents to get up and make others stand in awe as to wonder how they do that and get up there?... at least for those that care to look.

Well my point being... graffiti is dying... the kids nowadays dont know much about it.. are scared to try it out, and even seen as "stupid behaviour" ...kids?. The buff comes along daily wiping everything outta sight, and we cant forget big brother, with the constant surveillance in the streets the trains, busses and everywhere in between. the voice of the people who stand against it/us and those that are paid to track us down.

I for sure dont think we are criminals... as quoted from a local paper in my city "we should be grateful that we carry paint and markers instead of weapons and other dangerous tools to carry our message across" i think thats how it went.. nevertheless we get mistreated, bashed, hunted down and sometimes even spit upon for our cause and those who share in it.. I Wouldnt like to end up in jail or anyone who would for that matter, and i dont think we should... but for some thats a major reason why many are afraid to try the game and or retire.

So my question is: where do you see graffiti in the future? it's seems harder and harder nowadays with the surveillance and the hunting of our kind. those who oppose it and those (us) who strive to keep it alive.

an old saying... graffiti never dies...

also, doesn't graffiti employ people? the buffers and such?.. in my opinion most of the buff is wasted tax money that we also provide...

... I hate it when they associate graff with gangs... Society?...

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Well, if you want to compare NY to someplace like London where there are cameras absolutely everywhere, then yes, we are headed towards that future...a future where Big Brother is a reality...where dinosaurs are continually roaming the earth trying to vanquish the colorless walls of a society dependent on consumerism and advertising asphyxia...And my verdict is that as a dinosaur in a world where my 13 year old niece growing up in Washington State thinks the term "skater" means cool and has absolutely no idea it has to do with skateboarding, I am terrified...And we are hunted...We are stalked...The cops and politicians do not realize how killing this kind of art form will create more violence in the streets and they treat artists like criminals, but in the act of doing so, they have become gangsters...Sigh... But hopefully, as long as there are people who admire the art form, there will still be new faces getting up...I realize the youth are afraid to try, but to stand up to a system that is run by people who have no concept about expression is a shame...Painting is a rite of passage...A step into man/womanhood that has developed many incredible artists...For a generation to grow up without it, like I said would be the real crime...I think you articulated your question very well...Thanks for your post...:shakehead:

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"There are rules to this game that many or all should be aware of such as not "hitting" private property, cars, graves or churches..."


woah there buddy, you can't hit private property? That's just retarded. You may want to clarify that shit a little better.

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"also, doesn't graffiti employ people? the buffers and such?.."


I use to try to justify littering by saying it gave jobs to the street cleaners and such. But really, I was just being lazy. Graffiti should not be done to employ people.



"in my opinion most of the buff is wasted tax money that we also provide... "


Damn straight brother!

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He's right about churches,graves, and cars.Private property,what do you mean like houses or bldgs?Houses no,but bldgs,yo you need to check the newyork site on here.I'm into fr8s mostly.That NewYork stuff like trucks,highways,and bldgs that's str8 too.Have you seen some stuff that REvok does out in Cali.I got a few rooftops that did and bro let me tell you,good shit.Is there a site on here where u see trucks?

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what used to be an underground subculture, is now a trend, a videogame, a clothing style.


it'll blow big (it is now) and die out, like most trends, and need a new crop of dedicated and talented people to take it to the next level

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So the future i think has finally arrived' date=' hek i just got a computer for the first time. However as i see it: as much as we "bombers" try to control the streets, we have no control over the power of the gov't or those who could care less about GRAFF... the rich or somewhat, the yuppies... and all the others who ignore our subculture and stare awkwardly at each other on the train ride home. We're seen as criminals to some or many, many of those mentioned above are ignorant to graffiti and therefore any little thing that might be seen would be regarded as childish destruction of property and therefore there opinion on our acts is that we should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. There are rules to this game that many or all should be aware of such as not "hitting" private property, cars, graves or churches... yet many get offended, angered and bothered when they see a local scribble or such on an abandoned building, rooftop, billboard, the local train station... or any other surface that might be of little or no use and not being theirs... they prefer corporate propaganda as it is not a threat and prefer to spend money on the companys for more and more advertisements to start an awkward conversation with the person sitting next to them, Maybe?. Afterall creativity is what gets you a good job and therefore security in self and in the future. but yet what we do is not creative rather disgusting, and seen as the start of urban decay... Real artists keep it in the gallery where it belongs.. and real artists dont destroy other peoples property... Whatever!!, we as graff writers stand for one cause alone: to destroy/beautify the city(s) using our creativity, are passion for the game, no longer the fame. and our unique talents to get up and make others stand in awe as to wonder how they do that and get up there?... at least for those that care to look.[/size']

Well my point being... graffiti is dying... the kids nowadays dont know much about it.. are scared to try it out, and even seen as "stupid behaviour" ...kids?. The buff comes along daily wiping everything outta sight, and we cant forget big brother, with the constant surveillance in the streets the trains, busses and everywhere in between. the voice of the people who stand against it/us and those that are paid to track us down.

I for sure dont think we are criminals... as quoted from a local paper in my city "we should be grateful that we carry paint and markers instead of weapons and other dangerous tools to carry our message across" i think thats how it went.. nevertheless we get mistreated, bashed, hunted down and sometimes even spit upon for our cause and those who share in it.. I Wouldnt like to end up in jail or anyone who would for that matter, and i dont think we should... but for some thats a major reason why many are afraid to try the game and or retire.

So my question is: where do you see graffiti in the future? it's seems harder and harder nowadays with the surveillance and the hunting of our kind. those who oppose it and those (us) who strive to keep it alive.

an old saying... graffiti never dies...

also, doesn't graffiti employ people? the buffers and such?.. in my opinion most of the buff is wasted tax money that we also provide...

... I hate it when they associate graff with gangs... Society?...

as to where the graff game is heading in the future, I cannot really say. I can however add the fact that there is a growing amount almost daily of emerging writers at least in my town. I see it on the news, in tabloids, on flyers and in the newspaper about how this rave of graffiti art is at a all time high. So in a practical sence graffiti is not dying, it is actually flourishing. I was a 80's baby. I grew up watching NOMAD, SANO and his crew pioneer the graff movement in Cleveland, and I remember saying to myself "man, I want to be part of that". I remember how it made me feel whrn I looked at and walked up close to the wall and saw things I didn't see before from a distance. The control, the attention to detail, the color combinations, the subject matter, the attitude and emotin capsulated inside the 4ft. by 4ft visual splender. It really moved me as creative person. I say all that to say this,society will always hold our passion as the dark truth to our culture. They don't understand it and don't want to. But I take much pride in what i achieve at every wall. Graffiti is not dying it is in fact evolving into a stronger and purpose filled phenomenon. Can you imagine how people will be getting up in the future, the technological advances that could be made in the graffiti community. it will never die, it will only get better. Here we are now, over 40 years into present day graffiti, and i still catch shit that blows my mind. Writers are't going anywhere, not as long as we have the walls to speak our voice. Big Brother is out there, but he is not everywhere, we are plentyfull. UNITY AMOUNGST WRITERS IS THE KEY TO OUR LONGEVITY. EVERYONE STOP HATING ON ONE ANOTHER AND COME TOGETHER AND DO ONE MEGA HUGE MURAL!!!! Ha, can you imagine a million writer march. Imagine that!!!!!!! Peace Yall! Stay Up! ONE73 S.W.A.T cru:scrambled:

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So the future i think has finally arrived' date=' hek i just got a computer for the first time. However as i see it: as much as we "bombers" try to control the streets, we have no control over the power of the gov't or those who could care less about GRAFF... the rich or somewhat, the yuppies... and all the others who ignore our subculture and stare awkwardly at each other on the train ride home. We're seen as criminals to some or many, many of those mentioned above are ignorant to graffiti and therefore any little thing that might be seen would be regarded as childish destruction of property and therefore there opinion on our acts is that we should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. There are rules to this game that many or all should be aware of such as not "hitting" private property, cars, graves or churches... yet many get offended, angered and bothered when they see a local scribble or such on an abandoned building, rooftop, billboard, the local train station... or any other surface that might be of little or no use and not being theirs... they prefer corporate propaganda as it is not a threat and prefer to spend money on the companys for more and more advertisements to start an awkward conversation with the person sitting next to them, Maybe?. Afterall creativity is what gets you a good job and therefore security in self and in the future. but yet what we do is not creative rather disgusting, and seen as the start of urban decay... Real artists keep it in the gallery where it belongs.. and real artists dont destroy other peoples property... Whatever!!, we as graff writers stand for one cause alone: to destroy/beautify the city(s) using our creativity, are passion for the game, no longer the fame. and our unique talents to get up and make others stand in awe as to wonder how they do that and get up there?... at least for those that care to look.[/size']

Well my point being... graffiti is dying... the kids nowadays dont know much about it.. are scared to try it out, and even seen as "stupid behaviour" ...kids?. The buff comes along daily wiping everything outta sight, and we cant forget big brother, with the constant surveillance in the streets the trains, busses and everywhere in between. the voice of the people who stand against it/us and those that are paid to track us down.

I for sure dont think we are criminals... as quoted from a local paper in my city "we should be grateful that we carry paint and markers instead of weapons and other dangerous tools to carry our message across" i think thats how it went.. nevertheless we get mistreated, bashed, hunted down and sometimes even spit upon for our cause and those who share in it.. I Wouldnt like to end up in jail or anyone who would for that matter, and i dont think we should... but for some thats a major reason why many are afraid to try the game and or retire.

So my question is: where do you see graffiti in the future? it's seems harder and harder nowadays with the surveillance and the hunting of our kind. those who oppose it and those (us) who strive to keep it alive.

an old saying... graffiti never dies...

also, doesn't graffiti employ people? the buffers and such?.. in my opinion most of the buff is wasted tax money that we also provide...

... I hate it when they associate graff with gangs... Society?...

As for the gang writings. I agree with you it really pisses me off to see the news classify our throwies and pieces along side folks, crips, and bloods shit. Ther is obviously a clear diffrence between the two. The powers that be just want to paint a picture how the hood as being this one big pot of criminal elements, with everything that dwells in it being evil, no matter how beautiful and energitic it may be. We just gotta keep pushing.... ONE73!


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I dont think graff has ever been a trend... since its explosion in the late 70's till now its still going strong, or somewhat at least. and for some its hard to grow out of it, many make it a lifelong passion and or persue a career in it.. as far as the clothing goes... fuck those who wear it, and even those who make it... the commercial lame shit that kids wear to try to be hip. as far as that game.. i got it and enjoyed it somewhat... it's a good start to appeal to the masses and in the future i only hope they get better.

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i dont see graffiti going down. its getting harder to do, but everything in the world is getting harder, more expensive, more technological. people are just adapting. these youngsters who are starting graffiti are adapting and becoming more savage. they will learn how to create energy from something thats not oil, they will learn how to develop surveliance technology and they will learn how to elude it.

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"There are rules to this game that many or all should be aware of such as not "hitting" private property, cars, graves or churches"


What's wrong in tagging a church? Churches are known for more tyranny and twisted rights than most of the major corporations nowadays. I'll write on any church that opresses and condemns particular groups of people that go against their heirarchy. The statues and walls of churches should be covered in the truth of what's really going on inside.

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Mods.... can we shut this thread down.... after a weeks of absence of the posting and such the following two posts should be reason enough for no more further feedback.... unless many agree....?..... :shakehead:

or a decent post..... :o

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So the future i think has finally arrived' date=' hek i just got a computer for the first time. However as i see it: as much as we "bombers" try to control the streets, we have no control over the power of the gov't or those who could care less about GRAFF... the rich or somewhat, the yuppies... and all the others who ignore our subculture and stare awkwardly at each other on the train ride home. We're seen as criminals to some or many, many of those mentioned above are ignorant to graffiti and therefore any little thing that might be seen would be regarded as childish destruction of property and therefore there opinion on our acts is that we should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. There are rules to this game that many or all should be aware of such as not "hitting" private property, cars, graves or churches... yet many get offended, angered and bothered when they see a local scribble or such on an abandoned building, rooftop, billboard, the local train station... or any other surface that might be of little or no use and not being theirs... they prefer corporate propaganda as it is not a threat and prefer to spend money on the companys for more and more advertisements to start an awkward conversation with the person sitting next to them, Maybe?. Afterall creativity is what gets you a good job and therefore security in self and in the future. but yet what we do is not creative rather disgusting, and seen as the start of urban decay... Real artists keep it in the gallery where it belongs.. and real artists dont destroy other peoples property... Whatever!!, we as graff writers stand for one cause alone: to destroy/beautify the city(s) using our creativity, are passion for the game, no longer the fame. and our unique talents to get up and make others stand in awe as to wonder how they do that and get up there?... at least for those that care to look.[/size']

Well my point being... graffiti is dying... the kids nowadays dont know much about it.. are scared to try it out, and even seen as "stupid behaviour" ...kids?. The buff comes along daily wiping everything outta sight, and we cant forget big brother, with the constant surveillance in the streets the trains, busses and everywhere in between. the voice of the people who stand against it/us and those that are paid to track us down.

I for sure dont think we are criminals... as quoted from a local paper in my city "we should be grateful that we carry paint and markers instead of weapons and other dangerous tools to carry our message across" i think thats how it went.. nevertheless we get mistreated, bashed, hunted down and sometimes even spit upon for our cause and those who share in it.. I Wouldnt like to end up in jail or anyone who would for that matter, and i dont think we should... but for some thats a major reason why many are afraid to try the game and or retire.

So my question is: where do you see graffiti in the future? it's seems harder and harder nowadays with the surveillance and the hunting of our kind. those who oppose it and those (us) who strive to keep it alive.

an old saying... graffiti never dies...

also, doesn't graffiti employ people? the buffers and such?.. in my opinion most of the buff is wasted tax money that we also provide...

... I hate it when they associate graff with gangs... Society?...



i just wanted to quote didnt even read it

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Here in Europe you see lors of pieces in the streets on trains under bridges and such. Much more that in the USA. But the current trend is in the direction of Throws Tgas and Bombs...the color shit is getting less and less...The growing writer-generation is all about getting their name up and quantity. The art in graff is staring to get lost here....

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some thoughts ...


writers DO need unity. look at the rest of the US population, the govt has them perfectly divided and conquered between Democrat or Republican which are actually not different. writers are too fractioned to sustain a concerted attack from the powers that be.


there is also something to be said of commercialization. rap music is a great comparative example. once it reached the suburbs and became watered down it lost most, if not all of its anger and creativity (re: message/strength). now the "real" shit is almost always underground. this relates with my above thought.


writers are like inmates in prison who make something out of nothing, we always figure out new ways of destroying shit and getting away with it.


i dont know how but i think writers will somehow be aided by technological advances in one way or another (excuse my vagueness).


but IZ said it best, theyre will always be "mosquito bites"

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  • 1 month later...

I really dont think graffiti is close to being dead. Look at the European scene, those guys are crazy with the wholecars, and the extreme amount of writers. And, even here in the USA, you might not see big wholecars all the time, but the trains are huge. And, for example, New York City, that place is covered with graffiti. I really dont think graffiti is close to being dead.

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