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lets see what everyone knows and thinks about Cuba's fidel castro.

before i hear some crap let me give some facts:

-health care for the poorest in cuba is a thousand times better than the US> before castro 8% of rural peoples had it

-education is huge>before half the KIDS were literate (the rich)> now 96 % of the POEPLE old or young are literate (the wonderful US is in the 80 % regions)

-the respect for minorities has increased HUGELy> blacks such as Angela Davis have had huge crowds of every color cheering them in Cuba

-Cuba was so dependent on the US before that nearly every industry was almost completely owned by the US> now Castro has nationalized them all

-he has opened up more reform> now there are private businesses etc.

-Batista was worse than what you hear about Stalin> he meant to kill everyone that was poor and colored

-womens rights have gone up hugely in Cuba now

-the sense of community and country hads been strengthened greatly

-lastly, how is NSA wiretapping worse than any lack of freedom of expression in Cuba? the PHRASE IN THE US NOW IS "CANT DO THE TIME, DONT WRITE AGAINST OUR CRIME"> i mean bush says dont worry as long as you dont call Iran. thanks BUDDY, cause my dad calls iran everyday to talk to his family so we have to be worried.

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true facts about Fidel Castro and Cuba,... Cubanos are one of the few people who have been truly liberated, free of materialism, and coorporate owned governemnt and most importantly free from any ties to U.S. imperialism. REVOLUTION is the national doctrine in schools.


Sure they might not be able to buy a 2006 500 Mercedez Benz, or go to Mc Donalds and enjoy a juicy mad cow disease burger from their dollar menu, but thats exactly the point. Ofcourse this being a result of U.S. sanctions, but i bet all Cubanos IN Cuba agree that the world can pretty much stick all that shit up their asases. Cuba is far more andvanced than the U.S. in many different aspects. ... Places like Cuba, Venezuela and Peru will eventually save the goddamn world...better believe it son


Viva Fidel! Viva Hugo Chavez! Viva la Revolucion!

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i bet no one in Cuba is allowed to look at 12oz prophet.



you know, it's fucking ridiculous that you would rant about people talking bullshit

when you posted a great big old LIE yourself



The United States of America


Land area: 3,537,418 sq mi (9,161,923 sq km; total area: 3,718,711 sq mi (9,631,418 sq km)


Population (2006 est.): 298,444,215 (growth rate: 0.9%); birth rate: 14.1/1000; infant mortality rate: 6.4/1000; life expectancy: 77.8; density per sq mi: 84


Population (2000 census): 280,562,489 (change 1990–2000: 13.2%)


Capital (2003 est.): Washington, DC, 570,898


Largest cities (2003 est.): New York, 8,085,742 (city proper); Los Angeles, 3,819,951; Chicago, 2,869,121; Houston, 2,009,960; Philadelphia, 1,479,339; Phoenix, 1,388,416; San Diego, 1,226,753; San Antonio, 1,214,725; Dallas, 1,208,318; Detroit, 911,402


Monetary unit: dollar


Languages: English, sizable Spanish-speaking minority


Ethnicity/race: White: 211,460,626 (75.1%); Black: 34,658,190 (12.3%); Asian: 10,242,998 (3.6%); American Indian and Alaska Native: 2,475,956 (0.9%); Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander: 398,835 (0.1%); other race: 15,359,073 (5.5%); Hispanic origin:1 35,305,818 (12.5%)


Religions: Protestant 56%; Roman Catholic 28%; Jewish 2%; other 4%; none 10% (1989)

Literacy rate: 97% (1979 est)



the CIA claims


definition: age 15 and over can read and write

total population: 99%

male: 99%

female: 99% (2003 est.)






and for comparison


Basic Health Statistics

....................................USA Cuba

Basic indicators

Life expectancy at birth (years) 76 76

Mortality (infants, per 1,000) 7 7

Mortality (adult males, per 1,000) 150 125

Mortality (adult females, per 1,000) 80 80




1. Cubans spend less time at school. Just 81% of the potential population is enrolled in secondary school — compared to 97% in the United States. Enrollment in "tertiary" institutions like colleges and universities is just 15% of the rate in the United States.


2. However, the literacy rate in Cuba is only one percent lower than in the United States. And even though Cuba is a much poorer country, classes are smaller.


3. On average, there are four to five fewer pupils per teacher in both primary and secondary schools in Cuba.



so, maybe YOU should get your 'facts' straight too

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i bet no one in Cuba is allowed to look at 12oz prophet.


I still vividly remember when someone around here infuriated me a few years ago by suggesting that Castro was an 'OK' guy. One of the things I pointed out in support of my argument then is still absolutely true today.


It's an amazingly safe bet to say that the average citizens of Cuba don't have computers. This isn't based on economics or the telephone infrastructure; it's just against the law. In fact, then as now, it is illegal for a citizen of Cuba to own a typewriter. Punisible by at least 2 years in jail for simple possesion.


We need to normalize trade.

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did i say it was perfect like how you think the goddam us is. first, symbols got info from the cia> get it> they ARE THE GOV> WHAT THE HELL DO YOU EXPECT? (im sayin youre evidence sucks) they tell you that browns and blacks have the same opportuinities and they tell you that the poor have equal opportunities in the capitalist race but how the hell can you have equal opportunities when one little rich white boy starts at the finish line while you start at negative 1000 feet. ITS JUST EVIDENCE clash and when you get evidence from the gov. itself, i dont think its evidence. its like the sfpd website saying that most graffiti "vandals" break windows and crap like that. whats more important, a computer that makes you wanna be like the damn skinny "beautiful" celebs and causes half the poor to waste their money on clothes and die from alcohol poisoning or having health care so when youre sick, you can have free care. look i know there are unsatisfied people but THIS COMES FROM READING NOT RELATED TO THE GOV> the majority of the POOR (not the rich pigs that only care about themsleves in Miami) that left Cuba came here and were dumped cause they lost health care and were like, why did we leave Cuba ( a lot of blacks). here they lost respect and got lost in the system. NO MATTER what castro does as analyst Richard Gott says theres a real concern for the people. WE ARE ALL TRAPPED BY COMUMERISM. ill admit i am. I DO AGREE THAT WE NEED TO NORMALIZE TRADE.

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communist russia sucked. havent been to cuba. hope to go but not old enough to go alone. and what you think people who only care about themselves are good. byt he way i have alife so im not on this forum 24/7.


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"and what you think people who only care about themselves are good"


a free people (non socialists) only care about themselves? someone needs to lay off the crack. communism is totalitarianism. it is tyranny. you are not free in a communist society. a centrally planned society is the most dangerous enemy we face today. maybe you should have a talk with my cousin whose father left communist russia to come to a free (for the most part) society, what he thinks about the communist dream of total central planning, no private property, and being told where to shit.

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absolutely true. Also, any opinion, misguided or not, on trade regulations is wholly irrelevant. Plus, if Sr. Bush's economic doctrine stays the same in regards to Cuba you will NEVER be 'old enough' to go alone for it is currently illegal, US law, to give a Cuban even $1, much less travel to their country, pay for hotels, meals and sight seeing so you can look at the totally decrepit buildings and cars from the 1950's that were actually made in the last 10 years.

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  • 2 weeks later...

and i love how heirkb is talking so much shit without ever having been to cuba. you cant say something is good or bad just by reading about it. at the very least, talk to people who live/have lived there.


the debate is pretty split even among cubans. some like it some dont. the family of one of my good friends basically separated after half the family came to the us and the other half stayed; and hated the 'traitors' for leaving.

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^^ The first part of your post is bullshit, c'mon. I was never in Nazi Germany, but I know it was bad. I've never been to Siberia, but I know it's cold. I've never eaten cow shit, but I hear it tastes horrible.


That said, this kid has probably listened to some Rage Against the Machine and Mars Volta. Kid: it's good to form your own ideas, but if you're going to be passionately debating something, do yourself and everyone else a favor and read a lot more then just a few internet sites before you put those fingers on the keyboard.




-Batista was worse than what you hear about Stalin> he meant to kill everyone that was poor and colored



Some of what you said is on the right path, people in this country and others do need to start to fight against global corporatization. Just because it's turned into a cliche to be angry about that doesn't mean that it should remain only as a cliche.


But Stalin was a horrible person, and one of the worst leaders in history. Go read some books on the subject and watch some documentaries and talk to some adults who teach classes on Stalin before you make such stupid fucking statements. Stupidly dangerous thinking, don't trivialize the villians.

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cuban food is fucking awesome


Aw YEAH! Yo, I just found a spot right down the street YO! I mean, they are all over but most aren't good if you aren't actually in Miami, Key West or Tampa. Anyway, ropa vieja like BAM!

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Che Guevara was totally cool duder! I like bought 20 of his shirts! They look sooper with my nike sb's. And sometimes I totally air high five castro. Cuba is like the coolest place they have cars made outta washing machines. I watched scarface and now i know all about cuba.


Keep up the good work Castrizzle. *Air High Five*

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^^ The first part of your post is bullshit, c'mon. I was never in Nazi Germany, but I know it was bad. I've never been to Siberia, but I know it's cold. I've never eaten cow shit, but I hear it tastes horrible.


thats true, i could have worded it much better. what i meant is that searching google and then writing up a list of 'facts' is just being ignorant to the whole story. you cant get all your info from a single source. I do agree that there is a lot of good going on in cuba, and fidel gets fucking props for holding his own against the u.s., but dont completely ignore all the bad that is happening as well.

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