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i remember a few particular BEAT spots on I84 in the 90's, always those baby blue fillins shat i would swear to christ he was at war with teh buff man on. he would do a fillin and it would get buffed 2 days later, then he would do the exact same fucking fillin and color scheme teh next night at the same spot lol...it must have driven the DOT fucking bonkers. if you are ever stuck in traffic on 84 east between exit 2 adn 5 you can see the ghosts of like 35 beats from the past 18 years lol...love that shit


this truck is still rolling around i believe, look at that silly old faded JICK tag under it lol...what a mess




being in this town and looking at graff for as long as i have, i've come to realize....beat loves yellow red and blue more than anyone ive ever seen ahahahha.

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ESAC is nowhere near a newjack. He's one of the oldest cats on here and was running shit in the mid nineties under a different tag before being popped big-time. Anyone who thinks he's new needs to hit the history books(mags, etc.). Was no exxageration running shit when some cats on here were literally not even born yet. Props to beat! Does anyone remember ALG crew?


ESAC is a newjack, he uses wack paint and puts up fake years to make his stuff look old.
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For real. I just rode my bike to a meeting w/my old boss. I didn't know the road was under construction and it was going to rain out of nowhere, so now I'm covered in little specs of mud. GREAT! Can I have my job back?


i dont know if any of you have noticed.....but its like a fucking asian monsoon in this state...it wont fucking stop raining...might as well move to seattle....they prob get less fucking rain there.
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