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very nice flicks ecsel.....vel, mock, opus, jas soki and all you did an amazing job on that shit..props...more flicks like so, less bitching....p.s high off fumes....if your going to run your mouth, please spell correctly.


Yo ma dude dnt start shit you speak proper english so you write it but im from da hood so i speak slang and also write shit in slang aight so just cut a dude a break...

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Yo ma dude dnt start shit you speak proper english so you write it but im from da hood so i speak slang and also write shit in slang aight so just cut a dude a break...



It's so strange how english books in the hood are all written in slag. I guess the teachers speak slang as well.

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You dudes are corny. It was established long ago the internet was not a place that proper English is required...or expected. Slang is common place.


If you wanna get technical, why the fuck do you say lol? Bump? Why the fuck would you bump a picture thats on the computer screen? Do you bump into that shit everytime you say bump?


Cmon son! Who the fuck you think you is? Noah Webster. Stop tryin to act like you speak proper English.




Bump that eyon.

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i dont fuck everytime i say fuck either....nor do i shit everytime i say shit. Thats a bad analogy on your part.


And yes, I do use proper english all the time, complete with correct grammar. forgive me if i try to sound intelligent, even on an online forum.


anyway, heres what i really wanted to say


all you young cats that are just starting...if you really want to prove you have some balls, go rack from a store that will prosecute you heavily if you get caught. if street cred is what youre aafter, racking from a family owned business is not the way. Its like bombing your basement and saying youre up, or robbing a five year old at gunpoint to prove youre hard. If you really want to prove that shit, then take a fucking risk...rack from the stores that crush small businesses...in other words, fuck the people that are fucking you...dont steal from the little guy who has to dig into his pocket to pay for product that wasnt sold because you dont have the balls to try that shit at walmart, or home depot or some other big box store with a mutli billionaire ceo.


Grow a set. rack from the big block stores. They can afford it.

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