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Some grew up with Mickey Mantle, some grew up with Don Mattingly, some grew up with Derek Jeter.... when I was growing up and was ignorant to everything else going on outside of Central CT, (no car, before internet, no money) out of the writers I have to look back at growing up, Syne and Dash we're doing it out here. Dalena's wall... life altering... the flick below has been running in front of a police station since 1992, STILL till this day!!!!!!! not legal. They crushed all the spots out here with up-highs, Respect is due! ManBear not arguing.... but just saying, they we're our Scottie Pippen and Horace Grant....


sorry about the quality, but i honestly like to keep my flicks to myself, so I won't bother scanning.


nah. thats cool. I'm glad those guys did rep in their area... It needed to be done and it obviously influenced people to paint which is always a good thing. Those pieces are funny cause they look exactly like what we were doing in the Danbury to Westchester areas... Graff just spread like wild fire through CT which is great!

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nah. thats cool. I'm glad those guys did rep in their area... It needed to be done and it obviously influenced people to paint which is always a good thing. Those pieces are funny cause they look exactly like what we were doing in the Danbury to Westchester areas... Graff just spread like wild fire through CT which is great!




Dash said they were doin their own thing until they caught a few trips to danbury and seen the early Imok works. They were heavily influenced by what they saw out there and brought it back home to NB. Good thing too cause Syne and Dash were definitly MY heros comin up in the Hittin. So I took a few hits of that Bury Blunt as well.


Them good old days when old fashion footwork expanded our scene and not the internet.

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Dash said they were doin their own thing until they caught a few trips to danbury and seen the early Imok works. They were heavily influenced by what they saw out there and brought it back home to NB. Good thing too cause Syne and Dash were definitly MY heros comin up in the Hittin. So I took a few hits of that Bury Blunt as well.


Them good old days when old fashion footwork expanded our scene and not the internet.


That is cool they give props to IMOK for an influence. My only point was the loose use of the word "king" Since there is no certificate of being a king, you can basically use the word whenever but, I know a thousand writers including myself that have painted thousands of walls, bridges, tunnels, and trains and are in no way kings, called kings, or think they are kings. If Syne and Dash are kings to you then I guess it works. I just don't agree. I think I once said "cycle kinged that city" and I felt I was using the world appropriately. I had a writer tell me he was the "sticker king of Jamaica ave" and till this day it is one of the funniest things I have ever heard...

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i respect them for painting during the era in which they started. During a time when the CT was scarce... But they didn't get respect back then cause they bit.

You didn't see a Emit, Cycle, Jive, or Gaze pieces in NB cause they painted in Westchester, the Bronx, Manhattan, Brooklyn, Boston, DC, and in other parts of CT. Is king of NB really something to claim? It doesn't sound very cool, but I guess even small towns need graff kings to run shit.

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Kem is my man... but some are a bit confused by how much he gets around... He is not from CT and never has been...


As for Syne & Dash... They told me that they were about to quit in 1992 until they saw emit and sub in danbury by the pet shop bridge.. ( piece with the sub smoke coming out of a characters mouth) Then they got real amped to paint and put their own spin on what they were influenced by. I was equally influenced by Syne & dash , as well as Emit, sub, cycle, jive, gaze... I wouldve quit in late 1993 if I didnt see their pieces... They all set a very high bar for a beginner in those days...

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I would say that king is a title about crushing. Growing up in the sticks it was always awesome that oui, mest, eagr, ges, twice and a few others took the time to find fucking middle of nowhere fishing spots and piece or even do some tosses at those spots. But with all the respect I have for those guys, which is substantial, I feel like king is really about being fucking EVERYWHERE. Any block in NYC you see Ja. Booker got NY, New Orleans, weird nowhere spots, and trains galore. Guys like that so oversaturate the game with their presence that you have to be like "Yeah, king."


Again, absolutely no disrespect to the writers I mentioned before or any of the many other guys holdin' it down in ct, but there's really only one ct writer I would throw that crown on. I'm sure you kids can figure out who.

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^^^ TRUTH, graff is corny these days people think there doing it and there not.

rlax is the only person that you could call graffiti and id even like to see him up more.


fishing spots when cats actually go out and paint other shit then the same four walls most of them legal or some what, then youll find me. got enough fresh walls to go pic to pic with ges.

or at least come close

people dont walk no mo all they do is 12oz.

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