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not for nothing,,but nigga is a dumb ass word that should be in no way used to describe whites blacks or humans in general..it aint a white thing or a black thing..its a dumb thing..truth?yes:o


agreed. im not trying to say its ok for one set or another, im well aware

that if no one ever said it again the world would truly be a better place.

the point im trying to make here is that none of these kids would be

about all this slick talk in the world, ya dig?


and mozes, saying you're bouta be the next pook is giving yourself way, way

too much credit. hes the most hated individual in ct graff, and you, you're still nobody.

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and there's a toy section somewhere for all that jeg junk, it doesn't belong here.


WOAH..I BOW DOWN TO YOU!!! SINCE YOU DONT WANT ME POSTING PICS, IM JST GONNA STOP, SINCE YOURE GOD AND ALL......asshole, that was absolutely unnecessary, he paints, he gets up., and hes improved/improving..so stop complaining.

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I never said i was becoming the next pook.... someone ELSE said that.

And Im nobody? No matter if mad dudes hate me or love me, they still know about me.


as for the "toy" sketches,

i think he posted that in reguard to the Jeg comments.

but there is a ct blackbook thread if youd wantto post them there, i dont givea fuck.

post whatever you want on here lol no ones stopping you.

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