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this absolutely sickens me:




my boy OVIE gets 3 years for writing on something and this dude takes a life and gets 30 days?!?!?!?!


i got 30 days for something WAY more menial than taking a life, fuck, i shoulda just run a dude over...oh wait, im not rich


i agree man, absolutely dispicable, its like fucking high school, the jocks get away with murder, while the dude drawing on his desk gets detention, favortism, and global elites, fucking disgusting......

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If not id like to see another one,just as long as theres enough pics to get it going good for a page or two


Let us know if you find it man...well atleast me haha i cant speak for the rest of the thread wanting to see


Never did find that Beat thread... Probably got lost in the sauce when the server shit the bed.

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this absolutely sickens me:




my boy OVIE gets 3 years for writing on something and this dude takes a life and gets 30 days?!?!?!?!


i got 30 days for something WAY more menial than taking a life, fuck, i shoulda just run a dude over...oh wait, im not rich



It's fucking bullshit dude! And some people end up getting a year on the island for the same kinda charge... But dont worry, Ovie is home soon!!!! I should post up all the sketches hes been sending, he's got fire when he comes back!! welcome home Since Ate n big Ryno!

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thats not ser2 in those pictures...


theres a SER2 from CT, theres a SER2 from FLA/Atlanta who is pretty dope, and there is a SER from the Bronx who put it in pretty hard (and im sure there are 25 other SER's around the coutry i never heard of)...do yourself a favor and just change your name, you will avoid alot of hassell


dont even take the above as me being a dick, it's just friendly advice, and good advice.


now comes the "typical JICK being an asshole" reality check: if you are just the run of the mill CT toy who isnt planning on having any sort of carreer outside his little hamlet, possibly only writing for a few years, with no intentions of being known...then it really doesnt matter frankly. write T-Kid fuck it, y not...no ones ever gonna know u anyway, and your never leaving your proverbial back yard. however, if u have any desire to get any real recognition ourside of that bridge by the water u paint, having a name that isnt already taken is a real good start. it's a really short list of guys who took the same name as a dude who started earlier and got props down the road with it...it's gonna be even harder since 2 of the other SER's live so damned close to where u are writing it.


just sayin, and it needed to be said

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I have been busted painting twice. The first time was In putnam county and I got 6 months in jail and 3 years probation when I got out.

While I was in, my boss beat the shit out of his girlfriend and got 2 years probation. When I got home we had the same probation counciler. The second was in San Diego and it was a felony but if i could have paid the full fine and restatution the day of court, they would have dropped it to a missdameaner. My hommie that got busted with me put it on his card and got it dropped down. I have shitty credit so I wound up with my second strike and moved back to CT. Life is a bitch that loves money.

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you're not being a dick - you just illustrated what i was trying to point out.


theres a SER2 from CT, theres a SER2 from FLA/Atlanta who is pretty dope, and there is a SER from the Bronx who put it in pretty hard (and im sure there are 25 other SER's around the coutry i never heard of)...do yourself a favor and just change your name, you will avoid alot of hassell


dont even take the above as me being a dick, it's just friendly advice, and good advice.


now comes the "typical JICK being an asshole" reality check: if you are just the run of the mill CT toy who isnt planning on having any sort of carreer outside his little hamlet, possibly only writing for a few years, with no intentions of being known...then it really doesnt matter frankly. write T-Kid fuck it, y not...no ones ever gonna know u anyway, and your never leaving your proverbial back yard. however, if u have any desire to get any real recognition ourside of that bridge by the water u paint, having a name that isnt already taken is a real good start. it's a really short list of guys who took the same name as a dude who started earlier and got props down the road with it...it's gonna be even harder since 2 of the other SER's live so damned close to where u are writing it.


just sayin, and it needed to be said

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True true ,Well when are ya making the new thread ? lol


and yeah that server shitter killed my pms that were saved ,nothing special besides a few phone numbers and directions to less painted/secret/traveled spots ..ughh[/quote


I really don't have enough of Beats newer fliks to get it going properly.

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Chapter 860 Zulu Nation

5TH Element of Hip Hop Knowledge



In Style Wars, the 1983 landmark graffiti documentary (2:15 mark), CAP MPC says, "I'm not a graffiti writer, I'm a graffiti bomber." In the film and in real life, he positioned himself as a graffiti villain indiscriminately painting over the graffiti paintings and pieces of other writers. Now, over twenty years after his name became synonymous with crossing out and starting graffiti beef, CAP is being disowned by the Bronx-based crew he repped all these years. Morris Park Crew dedicates their latest newsletter to denouncing CAP : "We never did and still don't approve, admire, or respect, but oppose what CAP did and what he stood for." The 8-page attack on the "jealous toy" continues: It's sad that under his assumed direction, MPC became known as nothing but a disrespectful bombing crew intent on destroying other writer's work to gain fame, because they themselves, like CAP, had no artistic talent. …In MPC, CAP was considered a talentless writer, though an ambitious one. By evidence of his "art" work in 2009, he hasn't progressed any in 30 years….This fact implicated him-which many have suspected all along-with the real reason he went over people: he was a toy who wanted fame but couldn't burn writers like BLADE, COMET, KELL, SKEME, DONDI, MIN and a host of others to achieve it-not because he was taking his boys' back, as he claimed. In fact, MPC had no serious beef with any writers or crews before CAP started indiscriminately going over people.



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Cap is a cool dude and back in the day he was a bad muthafucka. He didn't burn your fav writer or anything fancy like that. But dude has his place in graffiti history as a bomber and he played his roll in his time (a more rugged era,unlike now). spreading negative press about a pretty decent guy doesn't change history. It was what it was


it's funny how they denounce Cap now.

Why not the 80's? 90's?

Why 25 years later?...when he is old and decrepit.

Why? because if they did, it would've been BOOM, BOOM, BOOM...


hahaha drunk just buggin.

but why?

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