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Ill CHEZ shit some people only like their own style? "Fail?" I didnt know we were grading shit and were did mr.egg get his degree? Keep gettin it in TNT!


only if u knew!!!! that man ( eggberto) is a monster!!!

he has the right to say that!!

do ur history!!!!

and shhhh!

but i respect ur opinion but the dude eggs is the truth!!!

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tone is hard to convey over text, try more smiley faces and things of that nature

and unfortunately i dont think things will be changing, society is fucked

soon no one will have face to face relationships for example...

i tried to get a number from some hoe hoe this past weekend at a shindig and she kindly denied me referred me to her facebook account.

at this point in my life social networks on the internet do not handle my affairs

jeese louise

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i gotta agree. people talk about george orwells 1984

as prophetic because so much of it has become true.

maybe we dont have chocolate rations or sex outlawed

or any of that other ridiculous shit, but three superpowers,

newsspeak, heavy govt surveillance and thought crime pretty

much all exist at this point.


if you havent seen THX1138, which was george lucas's first film,

see it. id call it the most accurate interpretation of whats to come

that ive seen yet.


ok, that was my 2 cents, back to graffiti.

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