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what part of ct do you know about? because in my area, i've personally witnessed 5 incidences with violence relating to graffiti/at a spot. i know dudes have warrents out right now. toys need to learn to shut they're stupid fucking mouths. respect who came before you. and mostly, all writers need to chill the fuck out and get their heads out of their asses. too much ego bullshit. if we keep stomping each other out and toys keep putting they're garbage all over the public then thats just more heat on all of us. its a lot easier to do our thing when theres not heat. common fucking sense. this game is about longevity. not who can cover who or who can talk the best shit. shut the fuck up and paint,

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dude youre from connecticut, no ones gonna get beat up.

First of all Soaf awesome and thats the first fews i've seen. *applause*


But Glikz is correct we are all just big talkers I mean seriously you gotta admit its really hard to get blood out of a cardigan and I sure as hell am not scuffing up my penny loafers...


Average CT Graffitista apparel...


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this kid is gonna give a shit about what people think after somebody beats the toy shit out of him. stay the fuck out of new britain. stay the fuck away from graffiti. you will get stomped out and all of your shit will be beat.


and the beast speaks!


i heard about you..your from like greenwich right? putting up your shit around NB like your some fucking god - no one respects you. Your that fag that jumped that 13 year old kid, and your like 25 and he still lumped up your eye, pussy. At least thats the word... Go home you fucking pedifile retard... i heard kids got money on your head beast dont sleep... fucking grown ass man fucking around with little ass kids WHO WERE ACTUALLY BORN IN NB AND WENT TO NBHS and are just trying to get up... piece of advice, quit running your mouth before YOU get stomped out poser

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this kid is gonna give a shit about what people think after somebody beats the toy shit out of him. stay the fuck out of new britain. stay the fuck away from graffiti. you will get stomped out and all of your shit will be beat.


and the beast speaks!


i heard about you..your from like greenwich right? putting up your shit around NB like your some fucking god - no one respects you. Your that fag that jumped that 13 year old kid, and your like 25 and he still lumped up your eye, pussy. At least thats the word... Go home you fucking pedifile retard... i heard kids got money on your head beast dont sleep... fucking grown ass man fucking around with little ass kids WHO WERE ACTUALLY BORN IN NB AND WENT TO NBHS and are just trying to get up... piece of advice, quit running your mouth before YOU get stomped out poser

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and the beast speaks!


i heard about you..your from like greenwich right? putting up your shit around NB like your some fucking god - no one respects you. Your that fag that jumped that 13 year old kid, and your like 25 and he still lumped up your eye, pussy. At least thats the word... Go home you fucking pedifile retard... i heard kids got money on your head beast dont sleep... fucking grown ass man fucking around with little ass kids WHO WERE ACTUALLY BORN IN NB AND WENT TO NBHS and are just trying to get up... piece of advice, quit running your mouth before YOU get stomped out poser


If you have an issue take it to PM,im not trying to be Debbie downer but we dont need to go any further with that..im know every one has an opinion but some of us dont really wanna hear it ..im sure the mods dont either ,and ..on that note whos got some flicks ..ill try and find some of the stuff i havent put up yet


Also why did they get rid of invite only memberships ...just a REALLY random question ...i had to bust ass to get on here :confused:

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and the beast speaks!


i heard about you..your from like greenwich right? putting up your shit around NB like your some fucking god - no one respects you. Your that fag that jumped that 13 year old kid, and your like 25 and he still lumped up your eye, pussy. At least thats the word... Go home you fucking pedifile retard... i heard kids got money on your head beast dont sleep... fucking grown ass man fucking around with little ass kids WHO WERE ACTUALLY BORN IN NB AND WENT TO NBHS and are just trying to get up... piece of advice, quit running your mouth before YOU get stomped out poser


If you have an issue take it to PM,im not trying to be Debbie downer but we dont need to go any further with that..im know every one has an opinion but some of us dont really wanna hear it ..im sure the mods dont either ,and ..on that note whos got some flicks ..ill try and find some of the stuff i havent put up yet


Also why did they get rid of invite only memberships ...just a REALLY random question ...i had to bust ass to get on here :confused:

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