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Actually, I think Joker, Kema and myself did invent, or at least bring attention to, "abstract" style back in 98-99. I suppose one could argue that someone at some point did it earlier, but not in the way of a stylistic movement. This is one of mine from 98-99.



Transcend has the patent on abstract hands down. You're painting Transcend style. It almost makes me sad how you consider this shit to be an old, established style, when in fact it's pretty new, I live right in your area, and you get huffy when someone calls you out.


The funny thing is that none of us really do it anymore. Joker doesn't really paint, and Kema and I do straight letters and call them pieces. Scar isn't in the T[__], but he rocks a fresh version of Abstract. The thing is that all of us knew how to rock traditional letters first. Abstract isn't a starting point. You need to have super solid letter foundation in order to pull it off credibly. Keep doing it, I got tired of doing it and someone should keep rocking the style. These remind me a lot of what you're doing. 2001





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that shit is bonkers^^^well put hal, im convinced you're a jedi. could someone tell me what those abstract lookin pieces posted a few above are. mind maybe.?


"Joker doesn't really paint, and Kema and I do straight letters and call them pieces" <<dudes on another level

how bout some joker flix?? anyone

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its really funny to me ouija that you think you started that style. theres a whole continent and beyond called EUROPE where atleast 75% of the shit there is that style exactly. open any euro magazine. and it just goes to show how fuckin pig headed you are. its embarrasing.

your shit is hot, no dought, but you still paint under bridges and in tunnels. you aint really doing shit. grow up little boy. theres a whole world out there.

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I cant believe you just called the dude pig headed...who was doing that style before hand.throw some names out lets trace the history... I have seen many a piece and Ouija Joker are first two that I have ever seen to do that sort of style. Oui should encase your ass in a jello coffin...

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its really funny to me ouija that you think you started that style. theres a whole continent and beyond called EUROPE where atleast 75% of the shit there is that style exactly. open any euro magazine. and it just goes to show how fuckin pig headed you are. its embarrasing.

your shit is hot, no dought, but you still paint under bridges and in tunnels. you aint really doing shit. grow up little boy. theres a whole world out there.


Whoa! Be easy, chief! There's a big difference between abstract and euro. I don't know where you were in '96, but none of my old mags that I bit from shamelessly back then, almost exclusively shit like Backjumps and FatCap, had anything like what the kids call "abstract" nowadays. When I started doing it, I was thinking of it in terms of a really complex toss, a one liner in piece form. I saw some of Joker's work about a year later, we connected and got tons of hate for the shit we were doing. It's super puzzling how I see some kids doing something similar now, and having it considered a normal style you can subscribe to. It's dope and I'm stoked to see it, but please, please give me some examples pre-1998. If it's after that, then......I know Joker got plenty of magazine and Art Crimes fame. Whatever is done, they owe it to him. The rest of us in Transcend owe him a lot stylewise, and for encouraging us to keep rocking it when we were getting 99% hate.


Speaking of a whole world out there that you seem to know so well, you casually lump american abstract, graphic design style in with the whole of europe. Talk to me about Moscow OKAYS crew productions versus Paris Grim Team style versus Amsterdam MOAS panels.


Damn right I still paint bridges and tunnels. I'm not trying to get some art fag hustle going with graffiti. You don't know me so don't even guess to whether I'm "doing shit" or not. I'm not in the gallery trying to disguise graff as fine art. I use real paint and brushes for that shit, kid. Quit trying to talk down to me when I'm already way ahead of the game on that angle. Talk to me about "doing shit", and I'll chat you up some of my influences. Talk to me about Anselm Kiefer, Gerhard Richter, Edward Hopper, or some Rosenquist photorealist wrapped dolls in the MET's modern art section.

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its really funny to me ouija that you think you started that style. theres a whole continent and beyond called EUROPE where atleast 75% of the shit there is that style exactly. open any euro magazine. and it just goes to show how fuckin pig headed you are. its embarrasing.

your shit is hot, no dought, but you still paint under bridges and in tunnels. you aint really doing shit. grow up little boy. theres a whole world out there.


man, i disagree with you here, i think you're out of line sayin all this mess. europe has way more diversity than just having 75% of its people rocking ANY one single style at a time, let alone THAT EXACT style. not to mention the fact that back in the late nineties when he started rockin that style, alot of cats in europe were either rockin daim influenced 3d pieces, old school throwbacks a la can 2, or some kind of cartoony shit that looks nothing like what we're all talking about. there was definitely some other shit going on too, like i said... diversity. but to say 75% of ANY continent, especially europe, is all one style... ridiculous. you better hope europe didnt hear that shit, they'd be pissed that you're sayin that shit about them.


whats wrong with painting under bridges? if he did all legal walls you'd probably criticize him for not painting enough illegals. i hear that kinda shit too much these days, too many people think they know what each other should be doing. its not like ouija hasnt put in plenty of work on trains, legal walls, bombing or whatever else it is that you might think he should be painting instead of bridges. personally, im glad he paints under bridges. if too many cats start thinking they're too good to paint any more bridges once they reach a certain level, all the bridges are gonna do is get all toyed up and start lookin ugly. he's doing us all a service by painting there, you should maybe think about thanking him instead of pestering him.

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I'm not hating on any of these dudes at all. Kid definitely has a ton of talent. I'm stoked that Mind is doing abstract stuff. Rock it tuff, dude. Own that shit. That anime looking character is off the chain. However, you gotta be humble at all times. Making excuses causes all types of E-drama like this bullshit.


I think I've said it before, but I'm as relaxed as it gets. Shit, I'll even talk shop with you about transparencies of color, wall layout and letter overlaps. Theories I had with some of the pieces and styles, all types of shit. Bounce ideas back and forth. If voicing myself and trying to get a little shine and credit for my crew and myself is arrogant and pig headed, then shit.


It's all about staying humble and grounded. Art and style just stagnates otherwise. In my entire art career, graff and otherwise, I've probably never had one original idea. It's all one bite off this thing and the other thing, splicing and sewing it all up into a casserole that I sign with my name. Graff-wise, I probably owe royalty checks to Can2 (the Jepsy stuff in particular), Magik from Germany, Esprit from Switzerland, Bando and the whole Chrome Angelz crew, CesOne, Kofie from California, WestOne, King157 and a ton of others. Too many to name.

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It must be a full moon or something. All types of drama lately. We should get everyone in the state to round up at a park for a big barbecue, drink some beers and relax.


i wish something like paint louis would go down again, that was dope, fun, and (for the most part) drama free. i heard that most of the stuff on that wall is all dissed out now, which is kinda sad. but man, that was a good memory for me, to meet and paint with a bunch of my heroes and stuff. revolt and zephyr were like 20 feet from me on the wall, it was dope

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Yo Hal, Ome was tellin me about when you used to start rockin those abstract pieces and about transcend and shit. i was always so blown away when id catch some of those pieces. Def real original shit man, takes balls to do somethin new no doubt!


PS definite bathtub jello mold death to that fuckgraff kid or whatever the fuck his name was.


Oh yeah and man im so glad someone mentioned MOAS. That shit in copenhagen in dirty handz 3 is some of the most organized subway wreck ive ever seen in my entire life. those dudes def get the job done. one of these threads has flicks of their crush in NYC like '01

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Can't agree with everything kid said, but the pig-headed/arrogant part is dead on. If you look on other threads or places as someone suggested you'll see other writers who are equally as clean and experienced who don't feel the need to dickride their own pieces by posting close-ups of their highlights and such. Yeah, you paint clean, but it's a higlight. There are nationally recognized kings like Revok who do that on the daily but are humble enough to simply post their piece without the whole 'look at me' shit attached. It also seems ironic to get put down with a crew called Transcend by copying their style. That doesn't transcend anything.


Hal, I left you a response in your PM.

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Why the hell is that a bad thing to highlight how clean the shit is. If you cant be infront of a wall your not going to be able to take in all the little details those little close ups are a great thing. I mean this dude is doing you a favor by doing that. I think we have all gone out to pieces and taken time to go up and grill a piece just marvel in the technique/beauty/composition wondered why they did this or that what the thought process was behind designing the shit. He is allowing you to do so via interwebz you should be appreciative. So he is proud of his work its not pigheaded to be proud of something that you have dedicated your life to perfecting. Also alot of times you notice those pictures are done in artistic way as well not just to show straight up detail but to make another composition just out of the flick.

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