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i take a lot of flicks not counting the graf flicks, and I gotta say the walls are the hardest when it comes to flashburn, especially gloss and chromies... my cam i use for out and about adventures isn't as dope as my stay at home camera... the major difference is the lense.. if you can get some distance and come in with a lense mad clear, you can avoid getting burnt not one time, but actually two times.(odb rip! dirtay dirtay dirtay) I gotta give that off-sides approach with my lower-model a try, cause i get mad flash-burn and blurryness out in the jungle.

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i appreciate all the ideas, but normally its not an issue, i just happened to end up out that way on my way home the other night, i had my camera in the glove compartment and decided why not take a quick walk. i was just apologizing that the flicks came out shitty. normally i'm better prepared and have batteres that aren't dying, but i couldn't see shit so, i took bad flicks.

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