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Flickr has an abundance of toy writers and blow-in art fags propping each other up with comments like.




"Wow, so dope"


"Wow, that's so dope bro"




"Loving it"




"So clean"


Where's the fear and respect for graffiti and good graffiti writers? The history and mystery of who did what and where.


It went out the fucken window when the internet became rampant.


You toy cunts got bored with your razor scooters, got bored with your X-box and now mummy is buying your paint so you can be a little lad.


Soon you'll be wearing boat shoes as you ride your fixie to go paint a polka-dot poo and post it that night on flickr so you can pull-off to the above comments.



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and you think this is any different?

Internet has dragged graffiti down from day one, sure its 'convenient' and 'you have the right to do what you like' but bloody hell if you cant see how the internet is still milking graffiti of its freshness.

fuck it im gonna rant..

thats why you get these PSEUDO-movements (think euro wackness no style not even a good throwy period, the lets all bite kgb who dont even rock their own style that great to begin with, and now the 70's retro swirl FASHION) in sydney cos people spend more time on the net trying desperately to be cool than exploring who they are as a writer. There is no vibe on the net. graffiti is a culture right? The internet is so void of culture its fucking depressing. culture is in the streets and amongst people vibing of eachother.

I guarantee you the 70's swirl fashion like all fashions will fade out and so will the writers, cos they sold out. feel me?

I got nothing against being inspired or biting even, but whole sale style fashion movements? that shit is like myers summer collection: WACK. Plus a good strong honest style will stay fresh forever, anything else has got a useby date, and no one remembers that fresh carton of milk form july last year, do they?


Rant over.

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and you think this is any different?

Internet has dragged graffiti down from day one, sure its 'convenient' and 'you have the right to do what you like' but bloody hell if you cant see how the internet is still milking graffiti of its freshness.

fuck it im gonna rant..

thats why you get these PSEUDO-movements (think euro wackness no style not even a good throwy period, the lets all bite kgb who dont even rock their own style that great to begin with, and now the 70's retro swirl FASHION) in sydney cos people spend more time on the net trying desperately to be cool than exploring who they are as a writer. There is no vibe on the net. graffiti is a culture right? The internet is so void of culture its fucking depressing. culture is in the streets and amongst people vibing of eachother.

I guarantee you the 70's swirl fashion like all fashions will fade out and so will the writers, cos they sold out. feel me?

I got nothing against being inspired or biting even, but whole sale style fashion movements? that shit is like myers summer collection: WACK. Plus a good strong honest style will stay fresh forever, anything else has got a useby date, and no one remembers that fresh carton of milk form july last year, do they?


Rant over.

yes to true, yea kgb didnt start off with there own style, but have you seen what mach, yes only mach has been doing laterly? he has developed it into his own style, funky burner walls with funky panels to add. he might be not the most liked writer out there, but he deserves credit for the shit he has done, and evolved. 70's retro shit is gay. as i said before, things being more accessible in this era makes writers lazy, you can just buy your ink, you got now cap adapters for exports/like tins, no need to explore graffiti yourself as there is the internet. i guess there are benefits and downfalls for the internet, but its weighting more towards the negatives.

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and you think this is any different?

Internet has dragged graffiti down from day one, sure its 'convenient' and 'you have the right to do what you like' but bloody hell if you cant see how the internet is still milking graffiti of its freshness.

fuck it im gonna rant..

thats why you get these PSEUDO-movements (think euro wackness no style not even a good throwy period, the lets all bite kgb who dont even rock their own style that great to begin with, and now the 70's retro swirl FASHION) in sydney cos people spend more time on the net trying desperately to be cool than exploring who they are as a writer. There is no vibe on the net. graffiti is a culture right? The internet is so void of culture its fucking depressing. culture is in the streets and amongst people vibing of eachother.

I guarantee you the 70's swirl fashion like all fashions will fade out and so will the writers, cos they sold out. feel me?

I got nothing against being inspired or biting even, but whole sale style fashion movements? that shit is like myers summer collection: WACK. Plus a good strong honest style will stay fresh forever, anything else has got a useby date, and no one remembers that fresh carton of milk form july last year, do they?


Rant over.



rant on..... that 70s shit will fade out

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