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>>> - SYDNEY - NSW - AUSTRALIA - <<<

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Who are all these dmote puppets? I've seen a fair bit of same, rdeam and 1sek stuff on the net and around may lane, it's like KGB all over again.

Man Sydney is shameful, we need some kids coming up to bring it back to it's former stature.


Its obvious to wokr out hey they are on here. All they do is self prop them selves and thei wack pieces. You can bite your mates set and dmote all you want still means you guys wack as fuck toys.

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sydney yeh...nice city, nice beaches


but alot of idiots...the graff scene is shit


i think generally graffiti writers are gonna think that they're scene is a joke... because generally it is... a whole bunch of toy fakes who have done fuck all thinkin they're the shit. isn't that what graffiti is, a bullshit ego driven game by a whole bunch of losers who weren't jocks and thus decided they where gonna fuck up the system.


i lived in redfern, the bulk that i saw was shitty pane pieces/vomits... but i met some cats(not mentioning names) who wrote graffiti and where fucking cool... maybe it was that i was from outa town and they were open to people from outa town, maybe they where older and my age, because we both listened to hardcore... i don't know???


look i'm from perth and i have recently moved home again... living hear sucks. foods expensive, everyone is so antisocial, beer is pricey as fuck and yeah i can easily say that the graff scene over here is a joke... but ive been hearing this for years.. people use to say that the graff scene is melbourne and sydney is different... and everyone's got there own way of saying it... the grass is greener on the other side, you don't know what you until its gone


being back dispite how much i dislike the situation, i am really enjoying myself. catching up with old friends and making the best of situation so i say... LIFES WHAT YOU MAKE IT

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